[World of Bats] Gotham Academy: Second Semester

Hello and welcome to the World of Bats, the Batman Book Club!

We’re not deep in the swing of “Back to School” season, so that means it’s time to head back to school ourselves! So for the next two weeks, we’ll be looking at the maxi-series Gotham Academy: Second Semester, written by Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, and Karl Kerschl, with art by Jon Lam, MSASSYK and Adam Archer!


Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #2
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #3
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #4
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #5
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #6
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #7
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #8
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #9
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #10
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #11
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #12

DIGITAL TRADES (Ultra Exclusive):

Reading will run from 2023-08-12T05:00:00Z2023-08-25T05:00:00Z, but if you’re in the middle of tracking this strange ghost down the corridor of school and PROM IS TOMORROW, you can always come back later!

Looking forward to discussing these issues with you all! :batparrot:

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And if you’ve missed our previous coverage on the series, or just want to talk about those stories, check out our previous threads about this series!


I enjoyed Gotham Academy, it’s a fun book and I like that it generally keeps the story contained to one location and one group of people. I feel like the school could probably do a better job of vetting their instructors, though :laughing:

Maps and Damien are cute together. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that pairing

Gotta feel like Batman didn’t do a very good job helping Olive. He basically let a group of school children take care of a vengeful ghost pyromancer. If only Batman knew someone with experience dealing with the supernatural…

The Carnival Midnight issue was a great one off. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of the headmaster battling ghosts, though


Look, if these institutions of Gotham excluded people with extreme personality disorders and/or criminal behavior, they wouldn’t get anything done. :rofl:

Yeah, an attempt was made, but…yeah, it didn’t help that this wasn’t a book about him. If Batman swooped in and saved the day, it would be anti-climactic for the rest of the characters. Though it did look like Batman was trying to put out fires that Aminity was setting off, so I guess that’s a good excuse?

Also, yeah, there’s like at least a few characters I can think of that could have helped. :sweat_smile:

Glad you enjoyed it. :slight_smile:


That’s a good point. The mystery club has to save the day since, ultimately, the story is about them