OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

The Neverending Story cartoon was on HBO around the early '90s. I’ve never seen it, as HBO was too expensive for my family at the time and…I haven’t had any interest in seeing it in full at any time after, based on the tiny clips I’ve seen in the years since. It looks pretty craptacular, TBH.

:metal:t2: My top two favorite Disney villains are Maleficent (#1) and their iteration of the Headless Horseman (#2).

melts into a puddle from how pawesomely cute the above is

Will there be a revival screening of the above? Asking for a friend. :smirk:

If there’s a revival screening, when do tickets go on sale? Also asking for a friend. :wink:

Not ye-

hears a knock at the door, goes to see who it is

Well, bust my buttons! Look who’s here!

He brought the new Cool Points catalog, too!

flips through it as Fred and Mr. McFeely converse in the kitchen

Say, look at pages 47 and 52! I need some of that, oh yeah.

flips through rest of catalog, Johhny 5-style

Mmmkay @Razzzcat, its all yours. Check out page 60, BTW. That alone is worth your Cool Points allotment, I think.


What about the 2002 live action series, also on HBO.

Also, why aren’t these treasures on HBO Max?


Here’s an article about the process you speak of. As you can see, it was very common when videotape was so expensive and there were no museums devoted to broadcasting (not to mention no home video).

Wiping - Wikipedia


What amazes me is that producer Dan Curtis didnt reuse tape and archived 1124 of the 1125 episodes of Dark Shadows. An audio recording of that missing episode is reported to exist though. To do that, for of all thing, a soap opera showed foresight, as he knew it wasn’t going to be a 20+ year run and since he owned the rights he could syndicate it. Which, after they were cancelled, he did.

Which is why there are still legions of Dark Shadows fans to this day and younger generations keep get exposed to it wonders. The whole troupe of Vampire as the romantic lead can be traced back to Dark Shadows.


You mean Dark Shadows was at least partly responsible for the Twilight movies? Thanks for nothing, Dan Curtis! :laughing:

P.S.-Dark Shadows WAS an awesome show, by the way.


Love the Headless Horseman now, but when we first met, oooh, nope! Maybe that’s :thinking:…why, I do? A reminder? Sure! Let’s go w/ that.

Ngl, tickets to that event are pretty expensive!

Unfortunate story about some of that footage: a few are lost forever. Genuinely makes me very sad, because of what and who was in a few of them. :broken_heart: Not all has been lost tho. :relieved:

That reminds me to say another BIG thank you (:infinity:) to @Applejack and the Mod Squad for things like this. :balance_scale::purple_heart: Feelin this one today.


Hi AJ,

Perhaps you can solve this conundrum? @flashlites believes that The Flash (1959) series was added to DC Universe sometime earlier this year after they requested it, while I distinctly recall that it’s pretty much always been here, at least since the addition of the tens of thousands of comics in April 2019. Are there any logs that show when various comics were added to DC Universe/DC Universe Infinite to confirm which one of us is right? And if The Flash (1959) has been here for several years already, any ideas what might have caused @flashlites to believe that it was just recently added?


Hey friends! I’m looking forward to spending time investigating your questions tonight :slight_smile: Just a wee heads up that I’ll be starting about 15 minutes late. If you’d like to ask a question of Christos Gage and Reilly Brown over in the Fortnite Q&A, they’re having a blast answering your questions, too!


It’s really interesting :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:




Hello Oracle,:woman_red_haired:
I seem to be so ridiculously clueless on who the writers and artists are for their work.
Is there a way that DC Universe Infinite can have a writer and artist section that show what they’re known for and comics they work on? Sorry for not remembering everybody, one thing for sure, they’re really talented!:grinning:


Time is relative, remember that forever is now.



Hi @Applejack hope your week has been going well, do you plan to watch the new Mortal Kombat movie Friday? :slightly_smiling_face:


Forever is now, such wisdom :person_in_lotus_position:

HELLO EVERYONE! Today has been a momentous day for DC UNIVERSE INFINITE and for Fortnite players everywhere. Let us all rejoice.

New members finding their way through the wilds of exclusive codes aside, nothing will stop me from opening this week’s treasure chest of Office Hours questions. I’ve even made some time to brew a cuppa! :tea:

I have no idea who might be stumbling across this.

Should I banner this topic for all our new members?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Without further ado, let us begin with the answering of questions!


Oooh, you know what? I’ve thought about something like an RSS feed or Twitter waterfall on the home page, but not a ticker tape at the top of the community experience. I like this- thank you for the suggestion!


Some things never change! :laughing:


I really enjoyed Imperator Furiosa for Halloween in 2015! I had an amazing Immortan Joe to walk around with, as well. She carried an edible silver spray typically used for cakes to spray in the mouths of War Boys we encountered at the local Halloween parade. It tasted horrible and was hilarious to watch.

What’s on your list??


There was nothing I wanted to cut out- too good an idea!


Hello Oracle, :woman_red_haired:
It was great helping a new person about the level thing last night, I was thinking, if I was a new member and only allow to post 3 comments in every 24 hours.
In my opinion can you make it 5 post for new members in less then every 24 hours? I think that would give a new member to say whatever they like.:slightly_smiling_face:


Did I say Tuesdays are good for Watchalongs???..please delete that from the record, I forgot about this here thingie.