What Are You Currently Reading?

I am currently trying to “catch up” by reading all the rebirth comics… I feel like I’m going through a maze trying to know the timeline of what to read and the order of reading them. Having fun tho!

p.s. If anyone has a quick and easy guide to help, I would greatly appreciate it <3


Hey @hsalouha2002.71354, welcome to the community! :wave: You’ve certainly found the right place for all things DC-related - I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the Rebirth series.

I’ve been told the [New to DCU] Rebirth Reading Order Front Page thread has been useful for those looking to navigate the reading order. Take a look and let us know if you have any questions - we have no shortage of helpful users here that’d be willing to lend a hand.

On that note, please feel free to let the moderator team know if you need anything! :batparrot:


Wow! That post seems to be very helpful. Thank you so much! :heart:


Currently, I am reading:

-Batman (got past “Cold Days”)
-Detective Comics (about to start “On The Outside”)
-The Flash (about to start “The Perfect Storm”)
-Wonder Woman (about to start “Dark Gods”)

-Doom Patrol (2004, have to read JLA “Tenth Circle” first)
-Deathstroke (1991, about to enter “Total Chaos” crossover)
-The New Titans (again, “Total Chaos” crossover)
-Team Titans (“Total Chaos” etc)
-Static (have to read “Worlds Collide” crossover to finish)

I find the “required reading” in the latter list to be a bit of a hurdle. But I recently read through all of Dark Nights: Metal within a day, so I guess I can’t complain too much.


Resurrection Man (2011’) & (1997). Justice League of America (2006’) (rereading), Justice Society of America (2006’) (reread), LOSH 84’ (reread).

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Future State Wonder Woman TPB! Awesome! :pray: :+1: :muscle: :smiley:


Slowly going through Kamandi and find it an interesting read! Only on issue 14, because I tend to read a lot of comic at time. Ya know… read an issue… switch to another. I remember as a kid, I used to sit out in the summer with a pile of comics-- switching to a different issue throughout an afternoon…


Welcome back to the community @steven.shinder.26303! :partying_face: That’s an impressive reading list, you’ll have to let us know what you think as you go through it.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the moderator team should you need anything. :batparrot:


Im about to recommence my golden age DC reading. First Superman, then Bats. I remember enjoying early Bats more. Darker than I expected and a bit more engaging to begin…although I love Golden age Lois right away

Hope to finish with what have here in golden age Supes and Bats in a few months but we will see. Will add others as I go.


Justice league infinite, batman Reptilian 4, I accidentally skipped batman the adventure continues season 2 issue 4, need to read superman and the authority issue 3. supergirl woman of tomorrow 4. wonder woman 80th anniversary, unearthed a Jessica Cruze story (having trouble getting into it as I do not like the artwork)

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I always feel the Golden Age stories have their place and should be read in the context of the times. I’ve never taken the time to read Action in order-- the service has thru 105. I think it is time to put a little more Action into my life!


I totally agree.We can’t go back to the 1930s but seeing what it was like back then is very interesting to me, seeing how stories were told and the characters starting point. When i read older comics, im comparing them to their own era and not something from now… Doesn’t mean they age well or they are all good stories but I’m not dismissing the art because its not what it became, it was what it was and good for the time

I believe that there’s been more golden age Supes released (in the omnibus) but not on the serve yet. Hopefully soon

Aside from my regular reading of current books, I’m reading the Levitz-Giffen/Zero Hour reboot Legion runs. Plus the L.E.G.I.O.N. series. Might throw in the post Crisis Superman and Emerald Dawn Green Lanterns in just for fun.

Blue and Gold 3, Batman ‘89 3 and Flash Volume 15 Finish Line

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This week I made the jump back into monthly comics after a fairly long break where I read back issues (mainly from the early 2000s, the time when I really got into DC Comics). I used to have a pretty large pull list, but over time it dwindled. Mostly I was just checking out limited series (The Other History Of The DC Universe is incredible) and events (I read most of Future State and enjoyed it). But now that the Infinite Frontier era has arrived on DC Universe Infinite, I’m going to start reading “new” issues of as many titles as I can juggle as they come out.

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I’m reading batman vol4:The war of jokes and riddles. It been good so far. Any cool batman arc i need to get to?

I’m currently reading the Rebirth Flash comics and I’ve been loving it! I’m a huge Flash fan and it’s been a lot of fun to read through this story. I’m currently on issue 77, but that will be outdated very soon.

DC comics is Lazy and unimaginative in their comics anymore. Instead of creating new characters DC has turned Tim Drake and Jon Kent Gay. This is a tragedy and was not done for character development instead it was to push a PC agenda and get headlines. Tim Drake was created in 1989 and has been my favorite character since his inception. There was no need to turn him gay. It makes no sense. Him Stephanie Brown have always been an item off and on. DC could have created new characters but went for the quick Cash grab. I have dropped alot of DC titles due to pushing of the PC agenda.

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Finally had time to finish The Other History Of The DC Universe and Strange Adventures and WOW these are both phenomenal series.

The Other History is really something special, and I look forward to buying the collected edition to put on my shelf alongside Watchmen, Sandman, Crisis On Infinite Earths, and other classics. Seriously some of the best writing I’ve seen in a long time, and it makes me even more excited about John Ridley’s Batman stuff (I’ve read Future State but not the Second Son miniseries or I Am Batman).

Strange Adventures continues Tom King’s mission to tell complex stories about characters who don’t usually get the spotlight. First it was Mister Miracle, now it’s Adam Strange (not to mention Mister Terrific, who might be the real star of this miniseries). I love the use of two very different artists to depict the ‘before and after’ stories. I’m sure a lot of Adam Strange fans aren’t happy with this depiction of him, but I think King does a great job of showing how war changes people and the cost of being ‘the hero of Rann.’