While I’m not a member of the LGBT community, I have a great idea of what I would love to see. I was looking into more of Wonder Woman’s rogues gallery and I found the villain Blue Snowman. Who is a woman that is disguised as a man and uses a special form of precipitation that freezes everything it touches. While I’m not a massive fan of changing preexisting character’s race or gender for the sake of diversity (I personally prefer focus on preexisting or new creations), I do think Blue Snowman would be a very interesting character to make transgender. And having that kind of element within a Wonder Woman story could be really amazing considering Wonder Woman is all about love and compassion. So for anyone who loves to write fanfics and create stories in their heads, this would be a great idea. It would also give some great representation that doesn’t see a lot of light even in comics. :slight_smile:


Okay this is just a fun little video I saw but I had such a stupid grin on my face I thought I’d share:

Wonder if there’s really anything between them in the future seasons? :thinking:


Honestly im a bit dissapointed with the arrowverse as far as lgbtq characters go. The first they introduced sara, a lesbian, and her girlfriend nissa. Next we met cin, saras lover. Then they introduced captain singh, a gay man, then they introduced maggie, a lesbain, and then alex comes out as a lesbian. Meet curtis, a gay man, and his husband paul, also a gay man. Then meet that nurse in the 50s. Then in crisis on earth x there was ron and leonard. Then season 7 of arrow william breefly admits hes gay. In todays society lesbains are veiwed as hot or sexy. Gay men are considered gross and disgusting. Lets examine how these characters were treated. Sara was portrayed as a victim, she was glorified and even got a spinoff that makes her one of the main characters
Nyssa was a good guy who was portrayed as someone to feel bad for.
Cin was barely in it but she was always trying to help.
As for captain songh we barely met gis husband and he is portrayed as kind of an asshole
Maggie is a good guy and even helps alex accept herself and is a good guy
Alex is a good guy and supergirls sister
Curtis had a wedge driven between him and his husband and eventualy got divorced. He was also treated like a potential leak of imformation by team arrow and argus
The nurse in the 50s learned to be happy with help from sara
Paul and leonard get married but are not really featured except in the earth x crissover and one episode where leo helps team flash.
William is always treated like a liability in arrow.
Lesbians get the happy ending and are glorified
Gay men are given the short end of the stick and are used as targets for bad things. Hopefuly william will change that.


I feel like most of them are fully developed and realized characters tho. I mean, the things that are unfortunate are only sad because you care about them and are sad for them. (Also, I love seeing this thread pop up, I hope it stays towards the top for a while.)


@OmniLad, same here! Gives me warm and fuzzies when I see it :hugs:


WB should sign her up for The Batman, come on it’s perfect! Who would she play, though? :thinking:Don’t see her as Poison Ivy…


I’d love that.


Hello, fellow gays!

Personally, I feel like DC has definitely been making progress in LGBT representation - especially in television - but still has leagues to go. The Arrowverse provides what is probably the most extensive showing of the community with many lesbian women, gay men, especially bisexual people, and finally transgender representation. Meanwhile, Doom Patrol probably has the best showing of LGBT culture with Danny the Street in general, and Larry.

However, it isn’t perfect. I can’t personally think of any outright asexual person in DC, no less television, (not to say there aren’t any people with the identity, they just aren’t prominent enough for me to know them), and there is definitely a lack of transgender characters.

Someone previously mentioned how there’s more of an open showing of female LGBT people in DCTV and, while they put it a bit too crassly (no offense), they have a point. Most of the gay men in DC shows (particularly on the CW) are either passively mentioned as being gay (William from Arrow, Captain Singh from Flash) or we don’t to see them developing their relationships properly (Curtis from Arrow, Leo from Earth-X). Along with that, Dreamer is the only character in the Arrowverse who is trans (off the top of my head. Sorry if I’m wrong on that).

Though that isn’t to say DC does poorly at representation, either! They absolutely excel in lesbian and bisexual representation with their characters in all of their mediums. They also do better with non-binary identities than others which I really appreciate.

All in all, I am glad to be a gay fan of DC because they do well in representation that not enough companies pull off, but I still acknowledge that they have room for improvement. More gay men done right, more transgender characters, more non-binary characters, more asexual people, and don’t stop with any other identity and orientation! Many people seem to think that “changing” a character’s orientation is just a device to get brownie points from the LGBT community, but that’s not the case. Look at Batwoman and Marvel’s Iceman. These character coming out opened them up to much more interesting stories and changes. And if you don’t like it, lucky for you, these characters typically get their own runs and separate stories so you don’t need to get it “forced down your throat.” Not that you did in the first place, but oh well.


@Electrode232, that’s so beautifully written, thank you, and hello to you too! I agree complete with everything you said, while DC has done a lot of good, we are still talking about baby steps, and there are issues for sure, but I feel like DC as a whole is striving to always do better for representation overall, not just queer representation. You’re right, Dreamer is the only trans character out so far, and played by a trans woman, thankfully, and my dream is for the Batwoman series to introduce Barbara Gordon and eventually spin off a Birds of Prey series, but with Babs we could get Alysia Yeoh, which was such a wholesome and beautiful character with a wonderful friendship with Babs, and it would be amazing to see that for trans representation. I do agree that the queer characters more often tend to be on the feminine gender spectrum than the masculine, and if the DCU would greenlight a Midnighter series, how awesome would that be to have a superhero show led by a gay man?


I’d say it’s about time, haha! They also have what seems to be a lot of history to go through.


Yeah, if you mean Midnighter, I guess they could start with The Authority and then spin off Midnighter? I’d just really like to have him in a solo show.


DC Pride book club is back, y’all!


And now @nu52 started an official book club, join us!


I can’t believe I missed this thread lmao. I think DC has a pretty good LGBT representation, but it could be better. I think they can improve on POC LGBT representation.


lesbian here. would love to see Ruby Rose or Hayley Kiyoko in a DC movie.


:flushed: That would be amazing! I was so happy they chose her to play Batwoman. :blush:


Yes please! I’m a big fan of hers, maybe she can get a small part in the Arrowverse? Been listening to this song a bunch:


Love that one. I have a slight obsession with her. Saw her live I think it was two summers ago.


I’m Bi. I listen to MCR, PATD, TØP, and basically every kind of rock music out there


And how about Jericho from titans. The actor is really transgender