:harleys_crew: Harley’s Crew: Music & Art Therapy



Welcome back to the community! :grin:


@NCharles39 posted this up over in the Ship Snugglebug Fanart thread and I am hearting it sooo much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:00_harlivy: :cobb_squad: :harleybathqtas: :harleys_crew:


In honor of today’s teaser for the second season of The Flight Attendant :dancing_women:


Heeeey @Alecto! :tada: Happy to have you back! :hugs: How ya been?

I’m a very big fan of Harley, too, so I hope to see you around! Speaking of which: Don’t know if you’ve been reading Harley’s new series but we have this going all month :eyes: I’d love to know whatcha thought!

Don’t be a stranger! :harleys_crew: :cobb_squad::heart:


Hold up. I can’t NOT leave this variant of Ivy eating a steak, because it’s just too funny :laughing: :woman_shrugging:t2: :poisonivy_hqas: How could I not??

:point_up_2:Gotham City Villains 1 panel, and :point_down:Poison Ivy 1 variant from her new solo mini coming in June, for anyone who didnt catch that…


I dig it. :dancer:t2: Both. Ty!




I feel like this answered the question as to what Ivy eats. Weird idea, I know, and while I wouldn’t be surprised if she was vegan or vegetarian, I also doubted that she would eat her babies, or perhaps she has a photosynthesis cycle if she needs to. I know that in one issue of Harley Quinn, she says, “These days, I eat light,” which at the time I thought she meant “little”, but after typing this out… maybe she meant it literally? I know that one time Selina splashed a bucket of water on her to save her after going without water and sunshine for days on end in Gotham City Sirens. Obviously in the show, we’ve seen her eat Cobb Salad. Maybe eating fruits and veggies and other grown foods doesn’t count as “eating her babies” because technically speaking, it’s her babies that grow the food for her (like trees that produce fruit, plants that grow tomatoes, etc…)

Or… perhaps Ivy’s diet is just something we overthink and theorize about, all for that little detail to not be consistent nor important. I don’t know.

Anyway, really awesome variant (in fact I just had steak for dinner so seeing this really touched my soul) and it got my little theory brain gears turning.


Hey @TheWifeOfJasonTodd! :smile: Not a weird idea at all! It’s come up plenty of times - you’re not alone! :muscle:

She probably eats meat on occasion I guess, and pruning plants stimulates their growth hormones, which is good for them, so I don’t think she’d be opposed to herself eating plants, but could technically (in my humble :nerd_face: :seedling: nerd-opinion), do all right on water and sun like any other plant—agree.

:laughing: You feel connected. I love it! :purple_heart:


In all honesty, I don’t think I’ve ever felt seen by a variant until today (aside from that Jason in the locker room one, which was more like I felt DC was trying to tease me after seeing my posts here :joy:)


200w (1)

@TheWifeOfJasonTodd :raised_hands: YES!
Srsly, tho. That’s EXACTLY how all these Ivy and Harley and Wonder Woman variants lately are making me feel! :sob: So seeeen. :0_poison_ivy_bombshells: :harleyquinn_hqas: :00_wonder_woman_gold:


I mean, if you think about it, this is technically the official DC fan forum, and the mods, who work at DC, oversee everything. They have an idea of what we like, they even turn to us for Q & A sessions. I wouldn’t put it past them.


Oh, they’re definitely watching—they should be, anyway. :face_with_peeking_eye: It’s a good gauge and helps w/ potential story ideas, merch, etc. I concur :face_with_monocle::purple_heart:


It’s funny when I saw that cover my mind instantly went back to that thread​:laughing:


This came on and I :purple_heart: it. Plz enjoy.


OMG Queen @Razzzcat- this cut, and the entire disco genre for that matter, strikes a cord straight to the core of my heart and soul. When I discovered this magical sound after a deep dive into Mama89’s primarily R&B-based LP collection when I was eight or nine YO my entire musical inner dynamic was forever changed. From that point I’ve craved every portion of the late 1970s disco lifestyle and aesthetic and have so ever since, a love that fueled my immersion into the late 1980s dance-pop era and on through to the New Jack Swing days of the 1990s.

Here are five of my most fave tracks from the amazing disco nights era-

I have a friend who runs an after hours spot in the Biz district here in SF- small intimate invite only spot that everone kinda’ keeps on the low and when the DJ spinned this^^^ Foo Fighters/Dee Gees update (RIP Taylor H. :drum:) of one of my most fave Bee Gees tracks back when it dropped it would’ve taken a 400 lb football lineman to hold me back from running out to that dance floor and getting my steps on to it. :smile:

Though not technically from the era, this perfect groove by Shalamar is always a top fave on disco night at my friend’s place:



Sigh. If only I could’ve been a part of the 54 crowd. These are the people and the scene I feel most at home in, and not just the famous crowd- everyone from that legendary time in Americana is absolutely fabulous and I would’ve eaten up every minute of it if given the chance.
:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :crescent_moon: :sandal: :notes: :control_knobs: :level_slider: :five: :four:

I’m dedicating one of the biggest gems from my playlist to our fave NY City girl 'cuz as we all know Harls def defines it in every magnificent way imaginable. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :00_harley_quinn: :00_harley_quinn: :00_harley_quinn:

:00_harlivy: :cobb_squad: :harleybathqtas: :harleys_crew:


:raised_hands: I won’t tell you what came on after Donna Summer the other day (tooootally different genre, that would prbly clash to anyone else, lol) but I’m gonna drop something that’s on theme! :dancer:t2: :purple_heart: :man_dancing:t4:We’ve definitely covered, I’m down w/ the disco… :smile: here’s this lil gem from ye olden days.


Lovely tunes, ladies! :dancing_women: Couldn’t agree more with our lovely @DC89, disco is awesome and amazing! It’s sad that most people don’t understand the genius and the soul of it! :purple_heart: Without it we wouldn’t have today’s pop music.

I love how they would also make these long mixes, sometimes going for 10-15 minutes if not more. I can just imagine dancing all night to this!


Or how about this hidden gem?


Can I add one?

Or two? :grin: