What’s the worst DC movie ever

It’s Catwoman

Sorry, @Night_Child but Superman 3 and 4 were absolutely considered “bad” upon their release. 4 even won some Razzies that year, it was so bad it killed Superman movies for 19 years!

Here’s Roger Eberts 1983 Superman 3 review: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/superman-iii-1983

The opening sentance is pretty emblematic of the general publics view of Superman as a character and brand, as well as comic books in general.
“Superman III” is the kind of movie I feared the original “Superman” would be. It’s a cinematic comic book, shallow, silly, filled with stunts and action, without much human interest."
The original Superman was a smash hit because of low expectations. The experience had to be like going in expecting something like 1984 Supergirl, but the end product ends up like Wonder Woman. The sequels were reviewed progressively worse and worse.

Steel is my personal least favorite DC film.

I enjoyed Jonah Hex, but I didnt know much about the character to begin with. I thought he was just an ugly cowboy. When the movie gave him powers, I just assumed it was part of his character that was too morbid for Batman cartoons. I assumed that’s why his last name was “Hex”.

@Night_Child Superman 4 is very bad. Warners handed the production off to Canon and they cut the budget so the could better fund the He-Man movie they were also working on. Superman 3’s ok, but should’ve been the greatest one. The original treatment for Supes 3 had Mxy as a minor villain and Brainiac as the big bad. Supergirl would’ve also made her debut if everything had gone to according to plan.

Man of Steel
It was a good movie with minor flaws until Kal So killed Zod. That’s not how the big blue boy scout handles his business and tarnished the reputation of the most wholesome character.

@GAHarris, Superman killed Zod in the old Superman II, did so with a smile on his face, and did it when Zod wasn’t even a threat. That’s the complete opposite of Man of Steel, where he killed Zod to save the world and expressed anguish at being forced to do so. Superman was more of a hero in Man of Steel than in any other Superman movie.


Night_Child is right. Superman 3 & 4 had about the same overall quality as Superman 1 & 2.

Superman 4 and Batman and Robin were not watchable.

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@XNam360 If you’re proposing they are all bad films, I agree. Bad writing, hammy acting, completely removed from reality or logic, sure, but that’s just opinion. The first one was well recieved by critics and audiences, the second one too but to a lesser degree. 3 saw a sharp decline in quality, profits, and reception. IV is literally considered one of the worst movies of all time, even Chistopher Reeve denounced that film. Heck, its Google rating is 55%. There is a clear, sharp decline in quality with 4. The way he rebuilt the great wall with eye lasers, the repeated use of that one flying shot, his trip to South America for fresh fruit is the most glaring example of a decline.

  I hate the way the Reeve era Superman movies have shaped the public's view of Superman. Perfect demonstration is in this thread a few posts above, when people trash Zack Snyder and MoS for "ruining" or "disrespecting" the character because "he would never kill anyone!" Meanwhile, not only did Supes kill Zod in part 2, he killed 3 evil Kryptonians from another dimension in the comics, one of  which was a Zod.


Bizarro gets it, though hes a bit more harsh than I’d like


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Superman IV is an uneven movie, but nowhere close to being one of the worst movies ever.

Go see Manos, The Hands of Fate. Superman IV will look like The Shawshank Redemption in comparison.


@XNAM360 I TOTALLY AGREE!!! And then the real groaner of that scene is once Zod and his gang are done in, Superman & Lois look to each other smiling and run into each other’s arms! No remorse. I laugh when ever I see it! And then when those people complain about MOS, I shake my head.

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I hated Suicide Squad. It was pure garbage for me.


i personally didnt enjoy man of steel felt meh to me id rather watch superman than man of steel but thats just me


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I really don’t care for Suicide Squad. It felt inconsequential and I thought the plot could’ve been written better. It felt really underwhelming as an introduction to some really iconic characters. There are worse movies like Catwoman and Batman and Robin, but those I kind of enjoy in a campy way. I understand why people like SS but it just didn’t work for me. I’m excited to see what James Gunn brings to the story though.

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Worst DC movies I have seen?

That is a long list. Most of them sucked. It would be easier to list the DC superhero movies that I liked.

Contrary to the majority, I liked the Green Lantern movie. Yes, it could have been better, but it could also have been much worse.

The best Superman movie I have seen to date is the 1979, Christopher Reeve movie. However, the rest of the Christopher Reeve movies sucked rotten eggs, in progressively more rotten eggs as the series of movies went on. The Donner Cut of Superman II was much easier to take than the theatrical version, but since it has to use much of the theatrical crap to make it half work, it still sucked.

Man of Steel was so so. Not as bad as some of the other versions of Superman, but not that great either.

Justice League, was better than I expected it would be from what others were saying, but was no masterpiece either.

I am not much of a Batman fan. The modern version of the character is just too intensely dark for my preferences. The 1960s TV series was fun, if stupid, making that Batman more likable, by far. I could watch a batman that was more likable, but without resorting to going 1960s campy. Something in the middle might be easier for me to take though.

I agree that among the worst DC based superhero movies though, is Batman and Robin, Steel, and Catwoman… but like I said, most of the DC superhero movies sucked, in my opinion, but those are definitely among the worst ones.

I find it odd that I can like DC superheros as much as I do, but hate most of the stories and movies written about them. Maybe I just like the idea of them more than how they are being represented.


@ XNam360 Hell no they didn’t! Superman 1&2 are classics. Superman 3 is meh, and 4 was a train wreck.

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MoS was my favorite. It inspires me. But I think my least fav would probably be Batman Begins. Not to offend anyone. But I think it was poorly done, and the scenes could’ve had a better flow. When Scarecrow randomly shows up in front of Rachel in the mist it was kind of weird.

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Batman ninja. DX
It hurt my eyes and made me lose all artistic abilities I had before witnessing it.

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Batman Forever
Batman & Robin is so bad it’s good, Batman Forever is just plain bad