What’s the worst DC movie ever

Batman V. Superman was the worst for me personally. Clearly, it’s better in technical respects than many of DC’s other duds, but there was so much wasted potential, and more importantly, the way they turned Superman into a mopey dipstick who treated helping people as a useless drudgery, the way they turned Batman into an evil dope man who murders people because he thinks they have the capacity to do evil and the way they propagated evil nihilistic philosophy with two of the greatest heroes of all time truly turned my stomach.

I’m not a blind hater. I can appreciate many aspects of the film, but those negatives are too negative. I feel bored watching Batman and Robin. I feel depressed after watching Batman V. Superman. I literally purchased like four hundred comics the day after seeing the movie partially just because I wanted something fun to make me forget about the pain of the movie. Also because I got them for a sweetheart deal of like a hundred bucks.

Or at least I thought it was a good deal. Kinda questionable in the end because it was a scattering of totally disparate issues. No runs. Plenty of non-DC stuff which I don’t collect. Almost no comics worth more than a dollar apiece. Probably a bad deal in retrospect.

Just bought 450 comics for $38 the other day. Much better deal. Almost all DC. Lots of long runs from good series. Not sure if anything is valuable yet, but I’ve got some early bronze age Green Lantern that I’m hoping might be worth a little.

And just to show I’m not a blind hater of B V. S, I’ll give some unlikely praise to it. I kind of liked Lex Luthor. Is he a good representative of the comics? Absolutely not. Does his plan make any sense? Not at all. However, I did find it a fascinating performance and I found it very entertaining. In a movie where a lot was underwhelming, I found silicon valley tech nerd an intriguing take on the character.

Oh yeah, and Batman Ninja was also awful, but not in a soul crushing way, so it’s less bad.

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Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, BatmanVs Superman, Suicide Squad, Superman 3 & 4

Justice League was trash ong ion care what yall say

Catwoman, hands down worst DC movie ever

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Batman V Superman Zack had solid casting but literary ruined a DC Universe

Green Lantern, BvS, Suicide Squad, Batman and Robin, Catwoman

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Can’t believe so many people are picking Batman vs Superman when we had such classics like Superman IV Quest for Peace and Batman and Robin. My biggest complaint about the BvS story was not the darkness or casting, it was how Batman got played. Seemed like the Dumb Dark Knight version.

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@ReddBall I do wonder if some of these people picking DCEU movies have seen the older DC based movies. I mean I respect peoples opinion, but for all the many flaws Suicide Squad, Justice League or Batman vs Superman had, I have a hard time believing most would say they were worse movies then Steel, or Catwoman or Superman IV.


Fck the MCU


Justice League is the undisputed worse tho, shame on WB for it.

Maybe the people saying Batman vs Superman are young kids or people just getting into the DC movies since hero movies are bigger today than they were years ago. If people don’t know others exist they’ll pick the decent movie that they likd the least but we should remember that there’s a reason why Batman vs Superman is already a cult classic, the darkness in it was great - it needed to be dark, just as the show Gotham needed to be dark. I can’t see how Gotham being dark could work against it in any way but I guess the community can get pretty picky about things they shouldn’t. It happens. Personally, I couldn’t imagine it as bright in cheery any more than I could imagine Titans as bright and cheery.

I like Ben Affleck as Batman. There’s nothing wrong with Ben playing Bruce either, it was certainly a better job than Clooney and Kilmer. If someone would try to convince me otherwise, I might consider them innocently ignorant on the matter. Clooney and Kilmer were dumb Batmen, Affleck was far from playing a dumbed-down Dark Knight. At least he was more intelligent than Bale’s but maybe not as intelligent as Keaton’s. Let’s be honest, Keaton is still the smartest and more strategic Batman. This shows with his ability to do more with less - he did more without all the military-grade tech and gadgets that Bale’s Batman was given so let’s not forget that fact.

I sure shouldn’t even have to mention Adam West’s version of Batman who maybe the dumbest Dark Knight Detective of all time, you know, get tricked into thinking things like bedsheets over a sofa in the shape of henchmen aren’t henchmen?! Or 1943 Batman parking the Batmobile in the front of Wayne Manor in broad daylight. Why is nobody talking about those movies? These particular film versions of Batman are less about precision and experience and more about depending luck/accidental success.

Which would I choose as the worst one? Hope you’re ready for my wall of text.

I’m gonna throw shake things up in here and say Batman 1966.

First off, the heroes’ costumes get me. The only thing I could think when watching this particular one was “Why does Catwoman get a high-quality leather costume that looks like it’s worth thousands while Batman and Robin get costumes that look as if they are made by kids?” A valid question, indeed. It was a bit sexist there without any real reason to be. Sigh, I always wished it had given the same amount of love into the male suits. They could have upgraded the suits over time or something at least but even that, was far too much to ask.

And so, the point is that technology for suits/costumes weren’t behind. It was just sexy female costume was prioritized to draw more audience. The fact that Julie Newmar’s suit can easily be put up against any suit in 2019 proves just that (Still my favorite suit of all time). Thus, that was the first thing that turned me off about old '66 Batman in general. Not even the main thing, just one worth mentioning.

The movie itself didn’t age well either, it was unneeded because we had the show and it didn’t fill any plot holes the show was missing or anything. It had the Bat-Copter, a shark and other things that tried to give it a new flair but let’s look at it this way, you don’t typically hear people talking about those things. You do hear people talking about the classic Batmobile though.

Another thing, not a fan of live action movies with too many villains. An hour and 30 minutes isn’t the best amount of time to focus on 4 or 5 arch-villains and on top of that, splitting that time up with trying to introduce new vehichles or/enemies. Quality over quanity, folks!

The movie is a classic and yet, one of the worst on-screen representations of Batman in my opinion, and even more so of what a Batman movie should be. That said, I love the show. Rest in piece Adam West. Last thing I remember him in was Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. I didn’t like West as Batman but he was a great Bruce Wayne. That’s still something worthy of applause.


I disagree with all the people saying Steel. Obviously it isn’t a comic accurate portrayal of the character, nor is it a great movie, but it isn’t trying to be either of those. Steel is essentially just a vehicle for Shaq-a-mania and corniness. It has no pretensions about being anything else.

The worst DC movie is Catwoman because it cost 100 million dollars, starred an Oscar winning actress at the top of of her career, and was marketed like it was going to be a great blockbuster film.

BatmanV Superman, Suicide Squad, Green Lantern oof what a bunch of stinkers lol!

Also BVS is not a cult classic and barely came out in 2016 and we are still feeling repercussions and the martha jokes

Also BVS is not a cult classic and barely came out in 2016 and we are still feeling repercussions and the martha jokes

Of the ones that I’ve seen in full, BvS but Catwoman does look 100x worse

@DanTheManOne1. I think it primarily has to do with generations and expectations. For this generation of movies and what everyone expected of Justice league versus what it provided, it was abysmal - absolutely, the poorest product that’s come out of a comic book franchise in decades. For my generation, I can’t really say that I was that amped for Superman IV after Superman III.

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Whitehouse Down