The Superman Thread

Oh boy. Another Bendis debate :slightly_smiling_face:.

Judging by these forums, I’m in a minority. I loved Bendis’ Superman.

I can understand the dialogue bit. Bendis frequently does this “back & forth” thing that can get old. Doesn’t bother me at all though :slightly_smiling_face:.
I thought Rogol Zaar was compelling in his singular hatred for Kryptonians, and that axe weapon of his that feeds on hate & anger. His backstory could have used some more fleshing out though.
Aging up Jon made the character more interesting to me. Keeping his good nature and values that his parents instilled in him throughout the ordeal he suffered was very telling of who he is and what kind of hero he can be.
The reveal was great, and I hope it continues to stick. What did it do? It put the “Truth” in “Truth & Justice”. Do I like the usual dual identities? Of course; I’m a Superman fan. Every shirt rip & S reveal gives me goosebumps :slightly_smiling_face:. But I feel this change has given Clark an opportunity to just be… him. He can deal with the world openly as himself, not a version of himself. I thought it was powerful.

Here are links to some of my previous thoughts (if you’re interested):