:00_superman1:Superman and Lois S2 Discussion Thread :00_superman1:

More reveals from the comic crossover


I Love How They Have PLots and Sub Plots For All the Members of the Kent Family and Central Characters!
It’s Pretty Interesting The Drug Use and Alcohol are Major Plot Lines!
The Show is Very Interesting!

It Will Be Interesting Too See How They Carry These Plots Forward!
Clark and Lois Talking Too Their Teenage Son About Drug Addiction and How Dangerous It Can Be!
Especially, Using Drugs That Give You Super Powers!

Even Though, Too Some Effect, All People Feel That Drugs Like Steroids, Give Them Super Powers!
Like, For Example Super Strength!


Sounds like Lana just foreshadowed her death.


I know Clark is known for his dark and depressing storylines, but seriously guys give us a happy episode once in a while. Smallville helped me get over my cat’s death and the pains of Middle School. This time I need my cat for some happiness for this episode. It is just depressing, and I am currently thinking this is my final season of the show.


This season is is truly assassinating characters, Jon used to be the best character of the show period, now he’s a piece of crap, then Kyle had a great redemption arc which has been destroyed possibly beyond repair. This show is becoming less enjoyable every episode and that makes me really sad.


This episode really made me want a banana muffin.

I’m surprised Allie ended up being more than a huckster; that she’s showing people their “other half” but it seems to be the Bizarro world/earth/dimension.

Also, kudos for using the fortress to interpret what Bizarro says.

The stuff with the quinceanera could have gone much worse. It sucks the truth got out during a big event and Sarah couldn’t look her father in the eye during the dance, but it showed why Lana would make a great mayor: even in a time of personal crisis, Lana focuses on what needs to be done in the moment. Plus, I liked her speech.

Poor Jonathan can’t catch a break. You can tell there’s still some resentment from all this change and him being overlooked. It’s kind of what I like about this show. The characters are flawed. Jonathan still loves his brother and they’ve gone through this issues since the move, but there are still times when he knows he got passed over. The X-Kryptonite stuff is gonna come out eventually, but we all know he’s gonna realize the error of his ways.


Things keep getting crazy interesting !
And always in awe of the cool inventive ways they show off vfx

It was really hard to enjoy the sweet ‘Cushing’ family moments knowing what Kyle’s done :confused: I liked the explanation behind their last name. The actress playing Sarah did a great job portraying the stressful moments.

It was pretty cool seeing the Kent bros fight. I hope their training and time over the show builds up to having full blown fights against villains like Superman and Steel have done.

Also glad Chrissy didn’t become full follower mode and was genuinely freaked out by the experience. Maybe Lois can mend their relationship sooner rather than later.

If we see Superman and Bizzaro Superman team-up :exploding_head:
Although this wanting to kill idea would have to be overcome so who knows ~

Edit: OH and that murder scene of the mine-follower lady was pretty wild to see. CW has had on screen neck snapping ala Zoom but leaving the camera on that body like that was some horror level stuff. Chrissy saying “Oh, you bi- - -” was also a standout lol



Crazy episode

The Kushing’s or Kortez’s now (maybe even soon to be Lang’s) going through a lot. The quinceanera was all nice and fun until the reveal. Lana mending this well with a great speech but the dang big stuff for them this week.

Jordan training and doin his thing. Nice stuff with Sara. Jon though definitely getting jealous. I don’t think it’s Jordan that set him off I feel with the teammate being power and getting what he wants only made him feel more left out and how you can’t get anything without powers all of a sudden. But it seems to be getting to his head. That’s definitely going to backfire.

Lois dealing with Ally and Chrissy. Chrissy experiences it all and doesn’t believe it. Hopefully get and Lois patch things up.

Supes v Bizarro. Great fire. The fire breath was amazing. Then it’s revealed. He’s here to help his world any means necessary.

How will they stop Ally? Can the Kushing’s patch things up? How will Jon’s powers continue to effect him? All this and more Same :superman:uper Time Same :superman:uper Channel


I just watched this episode and my first thought after she said “I’ll always be there to catch you when you fall.” was ‘Dang, I really like her character. I can’t believe they are going to kill her off.’

This was a pretty funny moment in a semi-scary scene for Chrissy.

This season has been great so far. Hopefully it continues as such. I just hope Jon wakes up and stops using. I can’t wait to watch Lois yell at him.


Happy Birthday!:tada::confetti_ball:




The “catch you before you fall” was indeed a foreshadowing but about Kyle’s affair, she mentioned it in her speech to Sarah at the quince.


To give up or keep watching? That is the question.


I got a new episode on my birthday and I enjoyed it!

I loved the Bizarro fight in the opening, then seeing a similar fight with Superman towards the end.

Anderson is losing it.


Happy Birthday @superby1! :partying_face: :birthday: :superman: What a great birthday present - I hope the rest of your day was just as, if not more, enjoyable!


Awww! Thank you so much! That’s very kind of you!


Happy Birthday :confetti_ball::tada::gift:!


Thanks, Moro!


Lana’s Husband cheated On Her!
John Using Drugs!
Superman Arrested for Treason!

A Lot Has Happened!
Jordan caught His Brother Using Drugs!

Bizzarro Saying That Ally is the Real Threat!
She Destroyed His Universe, His World!

Ally’s Real Goal is Too Take Over the Planet!
Using the Pendant!

A Lot too Absorb!
Can’t Wait for the Next Episode!


I am really failing to see how Lana and her family drama is integral to the main plot. This seems like “Superman and Lois, featuring Lana and her dysfunctional family” lol.

I really enjoy Sara and Lana’s bond, you don’t see that with many parents and their children, especially at Sara’s age

This Bizzaro world plotline is very interesting and I can’t wait to see how it all goes down.

Jonathans issue stems from always taking center stage then being pushed to the side in favor of his brother, and not only that, but his brother (if we are being honest) would not stand a chance against Jonathan if he was also gifted Superpowers, so that must add a whole other layer of resentment. That comment “I’m better than you and you should just accept it”, that came from deep within.

Lucy is like so many women I have met, searching for someone to give her an answer and fix her. Lois’ heart is in the right place but she needs to understand that Lucy isn’t thinking clearly when it comes to Ally and it’s best not to throw that back in her face. Lucy can’t even understand that even though Chrissy confirmed Ally’s teachings she also confirmed that she is dangerous and must be stopped.

This Teen Wolf Reunion is cute with Superman and Anderson (Ian Bohen won’t stay past this season I’m sure since he is a main on Yellowstone)

Anderson is really stepping over the line, they better give him a sob story or I’m just gonna have to hate him.