Stargirl Season 3 Discussion Thread

No way Stripsey gets killed off in such a meaningless manner. Pat means to much to the series for that to happen. If he dies (and that’s a BIG if) it’ll be saving his wife an family, at the very least. Pat has shown himself to be every bit the hero that Sylvester was, when he had the power staff to back it up. Not only showing us the technical skills and genius needed to create S.T.R.I.P.E., and being there for Court throughout everything, but more important, he needs to have a bonding with Mike that is essential for that father/son relationship, by series end.

So I’m pretty sure that Mr. Dugan’s part in the bigger picture, hasn’t been laid to rest and buried, quite yet!


WHAT AN EPISODE!! A part of me knew something was up with Sylvester, but I was not expecting him to actually be Ultra-Humanite. :exploding_head: My sisters were watching the show too (and they don’t care about Stargirl), even they were shocked by that twist. I really hope Pat doesn’t die in the last episode, thinking that he’s not a hero and without saying goodbye to his family. I’m amazed by what this show has done and I’ll say it again, it hurts knowing we only got one left.


Humanite’s plan- Episode 2

Casts suspicion on Grundy as Red herring.

Says ISA member did it.

He needs Shade out, as he is a major threat and distraction from them suspecting Cindy.

Establishes to Pat that he leads the conversations and investigations.

Before only Star was suspicious of him. He fixes this by playing with her and being the fun mentor Pat never was, and this doubles as an excuse to use Cosmo.

He then gets to test who Cosmo will listen to, and it chooses Stargirl. “I screwed up” line might refer to overplaying his hand to early.

He tells Cosmo it was right to choose Stargirl. Again for his plan to work his victims (including Cosmo) must choose the decisions themselves, not just be told to listen to him.


I, Didn’t Like the Latest Episode!
Star Man is Really the Ultra Humanite!
I, Don’t Like That Story Line!

The Albino Gorilla is Really Cindy’s Father!
I Don’t Like That Either!
Worst of All, Pat is Buried Alive!

I, Don’t Like Any of These Story Lines!
The Crock Family is Dead, Killed By Icicle! Another Story Line, I Don’t Like!


In episode 3 Pat is drinking out ofvthe World’s Greatest Dad mug Star gave him in the first finale.


I’m sure he will be fine


Well, like they used to say at the end of the Beverly Hillbillies way back when " Y’all come back now, hear." I assume since you’ve hung on this long, you’ll be there for the conclusion next week. Maybe the writers will redeem themselves in your eyes. Maybe not. Can’t wait to hear your final comments though, on what I consider, a really fine series. :slightly_smiling_face:


Humanite’s plan Episode 3

This is the episode where he learns who his character is.

He tells Yolanda Ted would be very suspicious of Shiv and heavily implies she is honoring him by focusing on her.

He has nothing to do with suspecting the Crocks.

He is worried about Shiv. By being mean to her he guarantees she will avoid him and feel more isolated.

I think his plan was to kill the Crocks as wildcards and vengeance for not letting him on the team.

Cons Pat into making him a suit (has to get a little forceful here) helping everybody think of him as owner of Cosmo.

“I don’t know who I set out to be.” I think this is Humanite talking about his acting. From here he finds out when Pat tells him the Sam Kurtis story. He is supposed to act as the surrogate father, not the crazy older brother surrogate he has been doing. After this his acting is much more calm, heroic, and fatherly, not the looney hero.

After that he turns himself into poor injured hero who keeps his promises to a fault.




Sad that season 3 will be the last one. Really wish HBOMAX would save the series and give us a season 4!

But anyway looking forward to the finale this Wednesday. Will be interesting to see how things play out!


I was recently wondering when Humanite and Icicle aligned. We know he was Dragon King for episode 3. Mayne during The Infinity Inc 2 parter.


:frowning:Well I should hope so since I’m a fan of Pat.


You maumy not want to watch Gods and Monsters.


Too late, I’ve seen it. But I remember don’t remember it that well, thankfully. I thought it was weird movie. With our heroes have a strange different looks, guess that’s why there’re monsters.:slightly_smiling_face:


That was amazing.


Does Pat survive? Please let me know.:slightly_frowning_face:


He lives.


Yes! Thankyou, I feel so much better, looking forward to watching it on a positive side!:grinning:


That finale was everything I could’ve hoped for. It had so many wonderful and poignant moments for the characters with a cameo of one of my favorite live action DC superheroes to boot. I will always believe that Stargirl could’ve gone on for a few more seasons but the way it ended was quite satisfying to me.


It had ten seasons. 5 of Stargirl then 5 of Starwoman.