♦ Show Us Your Harley Collection ♦

I love mine. Warren Louw is amazing- Harls looks sooo cute in these. :star_struck: :purple_heart:

Took me three weeks to track one down at a reasonable price but I got it!

:purple_heart: Louw’s LOTDK Harls version as well-

Two of the most fave variants in my collection here.

He’s selling a number of his best works at his online spot-


:smiley: :00_harlivy: :cobb_squad: :harleybathqtas: :harleys_crew:


Nice Harls haul @capo-mage. :+1:


Ty @DC89!!! Got a blind bag full of beauties & some nice hardcover Batmans & other good comics!! I was more than happy :smiley:


I picked up a lovely lady at Target:


She’s the best McFarlane Harley yet. :hugs:


Oh! JINX!!! :raised_hands: I just got that one too! We’re twinners @Vroom. :harleys_crew: :black_heart:




And almost forgot this! :diamonds:Got a bunch of books actually, but only have a pic of this for now.

:harleyquinn_hqas: :black_heart::white_heart::heart:

[edit] And here’s this thing I’m mildly obsessed with, err’body.


IDK about you, but my BOP Harley has been posed on my desk, with her head tilted to the left, and her hands on her waist as she gives me a “Silly boy!” look. The smile on her face sells the whole package, I find. :harley_hv_1: :ok_hand:t2:

Once she goes into my Multiverse display, she’s going to retain that pose, because its cute and fun. :grin:


I don’t know where she’s going to go yet :thinking: I was considering moving all my Harley’s together by themselves, but I’m undecided. I like her mixed in. :purple_heart:


Mine will go next to Polka Dot Man and in front of the CTB King Shark. Apropos DCEU company, I find.


Nice!!! That’s a great one @Vroom & @Razzzcat!!!


Thank you, sir. :slight_smile:

Mine is currently on my computer desk, which is visible from my living room.

When I look over at Harley, its like I have a 7" Margot Robbie on my desk just hanging out, and NGL, that’s pretty damn schway. :grin:

To ramble further, I decided where I’m putting mine: In with the other wave 1 Multiverse basic figures from 2020. Seeing as how she was originally going to be released with them, I thought to myself “Self, she should be with her friends from 2020.”


This arrived today.


Given how I have the Pop of BOP Harley in her gold overalls, and now the McFarlane figure of her in the same outfit, should I eventually snag this, too?

  • Sure! You can’t have too many gold overall Harleys, afterall.
  • Nah! Stick with whatcha got, and spend the bones on something else.
  • Harley Quinn has merchandise, eh? Wonders never cease.

0 voters


Nice @AK_Bandit B TAS does their figures right. Tons of pieces & a personalized stand.


I never did post my Ivy’s on here? Or if I did I can’t locate them. Might not be all, cuz need to put em in an album. Plus, haven’t gotten around to filtering them all yet but anywho…

I can’t look thru my photos any longer. Especially when half the time they don’t upload & I have to sort out where I left off lol. I’ll get em all up eventually.


Posted this on DC references in other Properties but had to share it here. Germany’s Rhythm Skating Team skated to selections from the 𝐒𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐃 as 𝐇𝐐 & 𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑.


Amazing, thank you! I tried looking for a video of this routine of YouTube, NBC Sports posts lots of highlights, but I couldn’t find this…


The Peacock app has every event, but u have to pay if u don’t have it. I don’t have it. Idk what the difference in tv channels is between u & me? But, where I’m at it’s USA & NBC & they do show repeats. You might have a shot catching a replay since it’s only been 2 days? It’s the 1st part of a 2 part competition. It’s called rhythm skate on the info thingy on tv. But it’s more specifically called “street skating “ as far as if u were to search on the net. Every Olympics, they have a different theme for the rhythm skating event. This Olympics was street skating. I tried to get Johnny Weir saying- (paraphrasing) “it’s interesting to see how different countries interpret street skating, in Germany, they interpret it as The Joker & Harley Quinn “. But the subtitles wouldn’t show up, so I couldn’t get that part of it. It starts out with Jared Leto’s Joker laugh. They use some music from the soundtrack & actual lines from the movie to skate to. I hope u find it!!! It was so cool. I noticed ever since @SuperBlueGrodd created DC references in other Properties- DC is everywhere…I know Marvel well enough to know when it’s referenced, & it’s always DC. Even in the Summer Olympics I caught a ton of DC things. Necklaces, shirts, commentators referencing DC. There was one Marvel item. Shot put athlete Raven Saunders from the U.S. wore a Hulk Covid mask. But, it’s always DC… I love it!! Actually, I just Googled to make sure I spelled her name right & this picture is the one u get when u Google her.

I’m sending all of my karma your way in hopes that u can find it & watch it!!! I wish I had a pic with both of their names to help u out. But rhythm skating, street skate theme, & the building they do figure skating & speed skating in is called the “Ice-cube”. Just trying to think of everything that might help u locate it better. I did post that right after I watched it which I usually don’t do. So the day I posted it, was the day it aired & time. Hopefully u can catch a replay. Or u can buy it on Peacock. I’d imagine it should be on YouTube, or the like, eventually?


Got my issue 6 variants for HQ:EBKT