Poll: Which Upcoming DC Original Series Are You Most Excited For?

Holding out hope that the DCU goes ahead with the stalled Metropolis show

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This might be a stupid question but is Stargirl going to be live action or animated?

I’m not as familiar with her so that’s going to be interesting. I’m most hyped for Swamp Thing though for sure

Live action @RedRobin7

I’m honestly getting tired in both, movies, shows and comics of Harley going solo. She is not interesting without the joker.

I feel the video game Batman Arkham city did it correctly in the DLC where she became leader yes but was an insane fire ball without joker. In one part that I felt matched very well was someone asked if they should even be in the gang without the joker. Harley had over heard the comment and beat the guy’s head in with her base ball bat then began crying about her puddin.

So swamp thing for sure!

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Swamp Thing all the way!

I had a tape of the Return of Swamp Thing back in the 90s, watched it all the time. I liked the Wes Craven one with Adrienne Barbeau too, but nothing beats the campy dialogue in the sequel.

Swamp Thing: I can’t give you the kind of love you need.
Abby: Why not?
Swamp Thing: I’m a plant.
Abby: That’s okay, I’m a vegetarian.



Definitely the 2nd half of Young Justice, but close behind is Stargirl. Loved her in The JSA comics!


Not being able to vote for all at once is a cop out

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I voted Swamp Thing but Harley Quinn is a very close second. Hopefully they go dark with Swamp Thing and look at the Alan Moore run for inspiration.
Harley is just fun. There I’m hoping they take a good look at Deadpool. Fun, lighthearted, but capable of seriousness. Look at her storylines with arrow and Canary. The whole Lobo incident. And don’t be afraid to bring in the Joker and Batman.

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Swamp-Thing that is on the list. I wish you were doing a Jack Knight Starman series rather than Stargirl but I guess she is my 2nd choice.
The Question would be a great show for this app. Pulp noir series about solving murders and corruption. That’d be sweet and the budget wouldn’t even have to be high either.


For me it is the second season of Titans I’m not a fan of swamp thing but I will be watching it for sure. Doom Patrol is a great show thanks for making it


Second season of Titans definitely. The first ended on such a cliffhanger.


Harley Quinn was my second choice. But I was concerned if they would do it right! Make no mistake, Harley is a cold blooded killer! She can be more ruthless than the Joker even, at times. Don’t make her to be a hero. I’m afraid an original series might do that. The killers win in Harleys world. Shes not afraid of the Bat.

Ia am stoked for all of these new series . So far every thing on DC Universe has been right on the money…plus having the comic book arch’s to do a deep dive … but I can not get enough of Harley Quinn… love her character ,… and I am creating a new character for the DC Universe … researching some of the background for this new hero and his companions and will reside within the Batman/Arrowverse and will venture to the a slightly darker side -including Zatanna, the Creature Commandos, Solomon Grundy, Swamp Thing…etc

I am actually pretty stoked about Swamp Thing :raised_hands:


StarGirl for sure. I want to see more of the JSA.


I am very excited for Swamp Thing, I hope you guys nailed it like you nailed it with the Doom Patrol. Not afraid of adapting other weird characters, and I like that.


YJ but HQ is a close second

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I’m all about Young Justice. I love how the characters are developing both the good and the bad as well as the new characters to come.

I’m interested in swamp thing and Harley quinn

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All of them but I chose Stargirl