OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

We’ll be keeping an eye out for your list!


I was in that forum


The good news: The DC Primal Age 100-Page Giant kicked ass.

The better news: If you’re wanting a copy for yourself, there’s only the one book to hunt down.

The only other Target-released 100-Page Giant so far is the Batman: The Caped Crusader book that came out earlier in the year to tie into the debut of Spin Master’s toy line of the same name. It’s a mix of new and reprint content, whereas the Primal Age book was 100% new.

@Alec.Holland is wise in suggesting you request the Primal Age book, via my request thread. Afterall, the more toy-based tie-in comics we can get in digital, the better. :slight_smile:


@Razzzcat, as Neo once said: “Hell yeah!”

For there is where you may school us in soup. We can be your…Soup Troop in your Soup Coop, to which many would exclaim “What a group!”.


Maybe starting a thread? That would probably be faster. I think I’ll start one now…




I don’t post a lot… but very much enjoy lurking, and following the madness of OH every week. Just wanted to drop a note to let all of you know that I appreciate you and thank you all for the entertainment your posts give. (Including some choice music rec’s :slight_smile:)

While I don’t post a lot - I DO read a ton of comics. And am incredibly excited for the new status quo in Jan. Two things I’d love to see, at some point, is…

  1. A “mark as read” button on each comic. I know I can achieve this by opening a book and flipping to the end - but that’s a lot of tapping and swiping, when the simple click of a button could achieve it. It’s something I use quite a bit on comixology (as well as the distinguished competition’s app - but we’ll just move on…) Maybe even a way to select a bunch of issues, and then mark them all as read.

  2. A way to “subscribe” to a book. I find myself reading a lot of different titles - and honestly, I can’t always keep it straight where I left off on all of them. To be able to subscribe and have the latest issues automatically be put into a list, and/or receive a notification/email telling me what my “new” books are for the week would be fantastic. Again - this is something I use a lot on comixology. But, I read more here, and feel like it would be extremely useful.

Anyhoo… thanks again for reading this - and for the laughs/smiles you all deliver.


Are we supposed to be getting an email about DCUI and our accounts??? If so when should we expect them???


I thought those were for Walmart only


Primal Age was the first for Target, but Wal-Mart had a start on the 100 page giants


As @MovieAddict said, Walmart got first dibs on the 100-Page Giant program, back in June of 2018.

Target then had the Primal Age Giant in 2019, however that was a whole different ball of legal/marketing wax from what Walmart’s deal with DC was.

The Giant program was further extended in the fall of that year when they were offered to direct market accounts with cover art different than those of the Walmart editions. Walmart’s used existing artwork for their covers, while the direct market releases had new cover artwork and came out weeks after Walmart got their books.

More Giant books would be welcome, especially at Target, as Walmart now carries the $8.99 comic bundles.


Hey Applejack. Been a while since I posted here. Hope all is well with you and yours :slightly_smiling_face:. Here’s some questions/comments for ya:

  • Will this be a different app when we transition to DCU Infinite, or will it be the same, just with video content removed?

  • I don’t see Q&As with writers and artists anymore. Any chance they’re making a comeback or is that a thing of the past?

  • What does the future hold for the DCU shop? Will it continue as part of this app? Granted I haven’t bought much from there, but was curious nonetheless.


I’m assuming that I received the “Long Halloween” badge as a joke, considering my vocal dislike of that comic. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi @Applejack, I asked about this once before and I believe you said you’d look into it (and if you followed up with “sorry” later I apologize for forgetting). Can we please get Supergirl (2016-) #s 41 and 42 brought onto the service sooner than the 1-year delay (or sooner than January)? They were digital-only (and #40 left Kara still infected by The Batman Who Laughs) and I’m impatient. Thanks!


What’s the Long Halloween Badge??? And how can I get it???


Hi @Applejack,

How far along are you watching the boys? Which character do you find yourself relating the most to? :grin:


Here’s the blurb:

Trick or Treat! This badge is dropped in the pillowcase of everyone who celebrated Halloween in the DC Universe Community.


I thought it was a great mystery & Storytelling. They’re going to make a 2 part Animated movie! :batman_hv_1: :halloween_batman:


You can express your feelings here:


Hello @Applejack :woman_red_haired:,
Last Friday I got a email from DC Universe about transferring my account to DC Universe Infinite and subscriping to it, I was thrill to see Batman holding Superman Earth one, does this means I finally will get to read Batman Earth one? I can’t wait til January!:smiley: