OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

Thankyou @Pretty.Poison.Bombshell,that really help and understandable.:slightly_smiling_face: Thought Iā€™d ask.


:eyes: Did someone say Ninja Turtles?? And pizza? Do you have a favorite Ninja Turtle? (Q goes to anyone who has an answer) ps. Go Team Green. :turtle: :green_heart:

@KM_726 Its definitely harder than I make it look, thats for sure. :wink: lol! The great thing about the Typer is itā€™s versatility. I mean, you can add it to aaanything!!



@Mae Dear Master DJ :purple_heart:


I got out of TMNT aroundā€¦1993 or so, but my favorite of the group was and is Raphael. Heā€™s a wiseass, and I can be a real wiseass at times, so it works.

Donā€™t tell Raph, but I rock a trenchcoat way better than he ever could.

slips on trenchcoat he doesnā€™t have, then emulates the DCEU Deadshot when he was a member of the Men in Black

ā€œI make this look good!ā€ :sunglasses:

SN: I donā€™t.


Regarding Dominoā€™s as date grub, thatā€™s not a worry for me as pigs will be airborne before a woman takes an interest in yours truly.

eats a slice of Phat Boy Pizza (created by Jim Lee, no less!)

If you can get Max Faraday to deliver a Phat Boy pie to you, he might just let you in on the Creation Equation.


I feel the same way


Say hey @Applejack, being a fellow '80s John Carpenter enthusiast, have you heard about:

  • NECAā€™s figure of MacReady from The Thing (which could be paired with McFarlaneā€™s Thing figure from 2000)?
  • More Big Trouble in Little China figures coming to the Bst Axn (Best Action) line (the same line with BTā€™s Lightning and Cowboy Bebop, among others, characters)?

From what I read, Jack, Lo-Pan and Kim Cattrallā€™s character (forgiveness please on forgetting her name; itā€™s early and I havenā€™t had my two scoops of new comics yet) will be coming along later this year.

If they do Nada from They Liveā€¦Iā€™m telling ya, I might buy him. Or an AOD Ash. Or MST3K characters (by the Delta Knights, somebody needs to make MST toys!).

Speaking of NECA and They Liveā€¦ that flick co-starred Keith David, who also voiced Goliath on Gargoyles. Conversely, NECA will also be producing Gargoyles figures later in the year. Iā€™m Team Kenner when it comes to Gargoyles toys (even though I only bought Elisa), but itā€™s neat to see them get new life in plastic (insert Aquaā€™s ā€œBarbie Girlā€ here).

Hereā€™s a question for anyone: Just what in the hell is the deal with Raisin Bran?


(Before I begins, I wanted to apologize to @RexRebel for deleting my original comment, wasnā€™t sure at the time I was going to keep Marvel Unlimited.)

Hello Oracleā€‹:woman_red_haired:,
Iā€™ve now have Marvel Unlimited, I wasnā€™t sure I would keep it or not, If youā€™re a fan of both, why not have them? Iā€™ve been reading DC comics for 2 years and reading Marvel was a nice change of pace. Iā€™ll still be reading DC of course.
During the free trial I wasnā€™t sure I was going to keep it then I change my mind at the last minute.
Iā€™ve always been a fan of many heroes, my question to you is, If Oracle or The Birds Of Prey has to team up with a Marvel team or heroes, who would it be?:grinning:


I will say this about Marvel Unlimited: the only reason that Iā€™m not subscribed is because they donā€™t offer a custom user list feature like DC Universe Infinite does. Even with Marvel Unlimitedā€™s comparatively lower annual price tag, the several thousand more comics, and the new comics being added sooner (after three months instead of six), the no custom user lists is a deal breaker for me. I need a way to organize the many, many thousands of issues that I want to read by series/theme/event/character/chronology/what-have-you. The fact that I can do that on DC Universe Infinite is honestly one of the best parts of the service. So, just on that one feature alone, DC wins. (Plus, DC > Marvel, anyway, soā€¦)


Tuesday 4/6/2021

This is how we felt when Trivia Time come and went with no @HubCityQuestion in sightā€¦

What do we want?

Until the GRAND RETURN, the DCUI will exist in a


Captain Applejack! :wave: Hi!
I just learned I can only have one draft going at a time in a given topicā€”any chance that could change? Prbly more work than itā€™s worth, so I wonā€™t press it. Iā€™ve made a few messes playing/experimenting w/ them, yeees, lol but thatā€™s the one draw backā€”otherwise, like having a quick way to save activities as I gather links and whatnot. Anyway! I have a quick episode of Tiny Kitchen :doughnut: for ya (they made mini doughnuts!! And these videos are weirdly addictive viewing) in addition to what looks to be some kind of kitten spa day. As always, I hope all is well in Applejacklandā€¦istan?? (Lol. Yeah? No? :upside_down_face:) :purple_heart: Take care.

Ps @Vroom

I wonā€™t claim to be a huge fan, but Leo and Donnie were usually my dudes. ( :eyes: anyone else?? No?) Youā€™ve not seen any of the newer TMNT? Prbly better that way. Andā€¦now I want Chris Pineā€”I mean: pizza! (Galā€™s face when she realizes what shes doing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I get it :100:, but Ah, good times.)


Drafts are funā€¦ As Applejack will soon see belowā€¦ :joy: :superman_hv_4:


Spiraling through the Speed Force, ajm08g tumblesā€¦

:flash_hv_5: Sure has been a while since Iā€™ve been in hereā€¦
:flash_hv_4: Wonder how much time passed with time being different in the Speed Force.
:flash_hv_1: Heyā€¦ There goes another O.H. Fun Fact!

O.H. Fun Fact

OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night! - #4225 by Applejack

Spoilers @THE_OneAndOnly_Official_Batman. :superman_hv_4:

:flash_hv_4: Well, maybe I will get out soon enoughā€¦

Todayā€™s trip to the Speed Force is brought to you byā€¦




Can I get that badly-printed t-shirt question link again? I get distracted easily and forgot to bookmark last one.

Please and thank you.


That calls for some chill spa vibes:


This makes me want to spin some French tunes. I hope nobody terribly minds?

Sā€™il-vous plaĆ®t:


I feel so U.S. Contemporary now.


You thought you could keep down Trivia Tuesday? YOU FOOL! There will ALWAYS be Trivia Tuesday!

Here are some questions about some of Applejackā€™s favorite things:

  1. What was the identity of the original Swamp Thing who appeared in House of Secrets #92?
  2. Which ā€œRebirthā€ era super-team includes the feline Red Lantern Dex-Starr?
  3. Which artist designed the first Batgirl costume in Detective Comics #359?
  4. Streaky the Supercat was granted superpowers when exposed to what experimental mineral?
  5. Alan Moore has confessed that despite the initial attempts at paralells to Charlton, Watchmenā€™s Silk Spectre is based mostly on which DC hero?
  6. Which ancient cat goddess maintains a flirtatious relationship with Dream of the Endless?
  1. Alex Olsen
  2. Carmine Infantino
  3. Black Canary

Iā€™m not sure if you think Rebirth goes past No Justice.

And, uh-- now that weā€™ve reenacted season 1-- whoā€™s being called a fool, anyway?