OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


:grinning:Oh I can’t wait til May! I could just hug every DC Workers!:hugs:Scooby Doo team up comic book is coming along with Stargirl!


When you click on a user’s name or profile pic and it brings up the little profile banner, what exactly does the “Read” section mean?

For example, if I click on my own icon in this thread right now, it says “Read 5d (2d recently)”

Just wondering what exactly these numbers mean.


Oh, another one I just thought of: can you reveal who won the Meta Madhouse bracket predictions? And share their brackets so we can see how accurate they were? It’d be nice to congratulate the winner on getting to go to the Wonder Woman premiere.


Good evening,

I know you probably can’t answer very specifically, but I was wondering if there is ever any discussions about bringing older TV series on here such as Isis, Swamp Thing ( the one that was on USA network), or any other series currently not on here both live action or animated ?


Hey, @Applejack! :wave: Hope you’ve had a great week! I have a couple suggestions for the Madhouse tournament—assuming this is the right place to put them…?? :eyes:
Overall a fun experience, but the LP could use some tuning. I mentioned in wk1 that its parameters made no real sense to me as a ‘tournament’—albeit one w/ fictional characters, but that doesn’t mean it can’t use some real world tournament logistics. So. Here we go:
Winners move on & losers only get a 2nd chance, meaning: the LP is a ‘save’, not a win. That save becomes a wild-card (customary tournament practice). We can either double the number of wild-cards, and create a whole new bracket (where they battle their way back in to the semis by taking the top 2 spots) OR We just reserve the 1 character granted an LP save to fight the bracket winner—“Experts” choice vs. We the DC community. Could also amp things up if the panel of experts would assign some kind of performance ratio, (like a batting average) to each character in order to help avoid a straight popularity contest and maybe entice more people to participate. Maybe :hugs:
Ok Im gonna go back to lurking now. :coffee: And thanks everyone for always asking such good Qs, I can just sit back and read!


Yes, I would love for DC to give Isis the same beautiful HD restoration they afforded Shazam! Pretty please!


Oh and Applejack, for my customary choice of chillaxing chords tonight this feels perfect (but then again anything by City Girl does always):


How do I leave clubs? I haven’t used clubs like I thought I would, and I’d prefer not to get the dms/notifications from them


You should be able to do that on your profile. Click on your own name above, and then find the blue text that appears next to the word Groups. From there, you should be able to access a page with a Leave button.


I had few people leaving my club, without my knowing and it’s fine with me, and when you do leave, you won’t be getting any notification from the club you left.:slightly_smiling_face:


Honorable Applejack! Your dream team for Justice League Dark on HBO Max (characters and actors). On three… One, two, go!


Hi everyone! I hope you’re all getting some good practice finding your moments of joy and sanity.

For those who haven’t joined Office Hours before, questions are answered in the order they are received. This means questions asked last week will get an answer pretty soon here, and questions asked more recently will be answered closer to 7pm/7:30pm PT.

I will have to take off right at 7:30pm tonight, but will resume answering when I can!

It seems tonight’s theme will be…Meta Madhouse!

Looking forward to diving in :slight_smile:


Yurs, my favorite gif of all time!


BUT WHY?!?!?


Hi MovieAddict! Glad to hear things are going all right on your end, and your friends and family are lucky to have you as a resource :slight_smile:

Hm…Well, I do prefer correct grammar, but I mess up quite a bit myself. Sometimes it’s on purpose, because the mistake or lack of grammar captures tone better. And sometimes, when people end a sentence with a period in text, I wonder “uh-oh, what did I do? I’m in trouble now.” Grammar has changed a lot since the 'net really got up and running. I do confess that I have to repress a lot when I see improper use of “your/you’re”.
I think there’s a time and place for correction. It probably doesn’t help a heated debate if you bring it up in the middle of it, hahaha! But if someone is asking you for help, well…

I will say I’ve gotten pretty “correction happy” with titles in the forums lately.


Enjoying a hot relaxing tea and some musics


I made sure I had all my rations ready! Give me some time to dig in and respond, but I’m definitely here. Haven’t read this yet, so no promises on my brain processing speed.


Here. Take a break and look at this glorious kitten-pile, @Applejack. :heart_eyes:


My brain is driving me crazy for not having any questions today, have a great week @Applejack! :slightly_smiling_face: