OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


I’m not speaking for Applejack, but this is just a guess as to what she might say:

  1. Do you have to ask, Jake/Turbo Man fan/Ani? The answer is YES. Unless you’re inquiring about the angels the Evas fought in Neon Genesis Evangelion, then that’s a whole other ball o’ post-Impact wax.

For the record, Applejack could take an Eva on, and she’d wear it’s head as a hat, while having the Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure action figures duke it out for Phil Hartman-voiced supremacy.

  1. The owls are in court.
    cue People’s Court theme

  2. Probably, but we all know that franchise ended in 1991, so there you go.

  3. I’m a say yes (“yaas!”?). Yes, she has, Deck/Roy/Pris/Mr. Tyrell.

  4. Who wouldn’t?! Well, besides the dude that was mutated, and then got creamed by the Sux-Mobile driven by actor Kurtwood “James Gordon on Beware The Batman” Smith.

So, there you have it.

sees a dove fly into the sky

Say hey, @AlexanderKnox, would you submit to a Voidt Kampff test? Don’t uh, don’t ask if they have a long lens model, BUT…you’ll get a grant, mmmkay? Mmmkay.


Hello Applejack​:woman_technologist:, I have some few questions to ask,

  1. Who’s your favorite actor that played the Penguin?
  2. What’s your favorite Penguin episode from any Batman series?
  3. Will the Penguin have a bigger role in the new Batman movie?

Not speaking for her, but just so you know, Wonder Twins #12, the final issue, comes out today (2/19).

passes a stuffed Burgess Meredith Pengy to @Penguinfan78

You’re getting alot of these, man. I bet they look pretty rad all grouped together.


You see a tortoise lying on its back. It shouts, “Cowabunga!” Do you turn it over?


What?! No! :confused: guess I have a year to enjoy reading it til next February, Thankyou @Vroom.


And if dice are required, Kelex could be used for that function.


And Wonder Twins # 1 comes to the service this week.


Hi Applejack,

The comics currently published that are canon all have the words DC Universe in the upper left corner on the cover, while those that are not canon say DC Comics. However titles such as Doomsday Clock and Hero’s in Crisis just say DC. These 2 titles are definitely canon, do you know why they are not labeled DC Universe ?


Indeed it did come here this week. Having nearly all of the first issues of the initial Wonder Comics titles here is pretty sweet.

@AlexanderKnox I’d flip Cowabunga Carl over, then see that he’s able to go on his way just fine. As he mosied away, I’d dance like Vanilla Ice and say “Go ninja, go ninja, go!”, because, well, “Ninja! Rap! Ninja Rap”!

@Penguinfan78 Even though its now concluded, at least you can start out with Wonder Twins here, and hey, next month will bring Dial H for Hero, and lemme tell ya, that mini is awesome!


First, thank you for doing this weekly. You provide a valuable service for us fans!

For this question, I need to refer you to Mister Miracle (1971), issue #19:

Now, if you read the credits in the actual comic (not what’s stated on the web page), you might wonder who Ilya Hunch is. Well, since I have the actual comics from back in the day, I know the answer is in the letter column of Mister Miracle #20, but people on DC Universe are deprived of that info (what Neal Adams actually inked is quite interesting).

Now, this is unfortunate that portions of the original comic are not included, and there are many reasons for that, whether it be matters of the comic creation such as the example I raised, or even much more serious issues (the essay that Mike Gold wrote for the letter column of Vigilante #50 comes to mind). The fact that both DC and Marvel have started printing facsimile edition comics serves to reinforce fans’ desire for a more complete comic reading experience.

At the moment, I see two possible solutions. One is the obvious, have DC Universe add the missing content. Unfortunately, I don’t see DC Universe using their workforce in this manner, which brings me to…Two, any chance of bringing back the comment section that DC Universe had for individual issues, but this time, make it easier for DC Universe users to add the missing content ourselves in the comment section. I have plenty of comics and multiple scanners myself. If necessary, maybe allow a certain tier of users that can do this (much along the same thinking that allows a tier of users who can access the Iceberg Lounge).

Obviously, I don’t expect an immediate answer, I just wanted to pass this along to see if the powers-that-be (or perhaps superpowers-that-be) might consider if this idea has merit.

Second question (much shorter): the greatest collection of legendary comic creators in one book happened in Superman #400 (those that doubt me can Google it). I have the original comic as well as the B&W portfolio DC made at the time, but the young folk are seriously deprived. Any chance of having it here, or would copyright issues with Mr. Eisner or Mr. Starr prevent that?



I’ll second the desire to see Superman #400 here. It’s a wonderful issue.


Oh, absolutely! I could see the the DC Daily crew having a show on this issue alone. Oh, forget one show, have a whole week of shows! Interview Mr. Maggin, Mr. Chaykin (who painted the cover) and Mr. Steranko (IIRC, his only interior story and art for DC) about the experience. I mean, what other comic has Mr. Kirby, Mr. Ditko, Mr. Eisner, Moebius, and so many more in one comic!?! …Legen…(wait for it)…




Leave it to The Man of Steel to forge an assemblage of absolutely incredible talent like that.

I’d love to see @DCDaily have a few episodes where older milestone, triple-digit issues from a variety of franchises are celebrated. They could really get into the nuts and bolts of the book from a storytelling analysis standpoint, but also assemble folks who were instrumental in the creation of those issues and interview them.

The additions of Superman #400, and Action Comics #'s 500 and 600 to our library would serve as a great point of origin for these episodes of DC Daily.


I agree. I would add Action Comics #544 from 1983, with an essay from Jerry Siegel and IIRC the last published drawing of Superman by Joe Shuster.


As Mike Nelson once said: “No argument here”.


Don’t worry, @Penguinfan78! Though their regular series comes to an end this month, it won’t be the last you see of the Wonder Twins. They’re sure to remain a fixture of the Wonder Comics line as allies to Young Justice.


That’s good to know, Thankyou @HubCityQuestion. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve a question @Applejack:

What’s the likelihood of “Season 1” being removed from the Batman Beyond series thumbnail?

“Remastered in HD: Season 1” was a useful notation when that was the only season of the show here in HD, but since the entire series has come to be available here in glorious 1080P, the specific notation of that season is no longer necessary, and could serve to confuse folks into thinking that only season 1 is available here in HD.

We all know that the entirety of Batman Beyond is, in fact, available here in yet another beautiful, reference quality HD-remaster from the fine folks over at Warner Home Video/Entertainment/Media, but the existing thumbnail for the series is currently suggesting otherwise to those not already aware of this fact.

Should the thumbnail be amended to read “Batman Beyond: Remastered in HD”, that would be 100% clear to what’s available for the show here, as well as showcase that thumbnail notations are modified and not ignored (the existing thumbnail gives off the impression of being forgotten about), as the content they pertain to is updated.

What do you think, Captain?

Item/also! This has nothing to do with DCU, but as a fellow cat enthusiast (and maybe I’ve inquired before, but I don’t recall doing so) have you watched Kitten Academy on YouTube? It’s easily the best thing on that entire platform.


Hi Applejack,

OK, here’s my situation. I’ve submitted a report to the MASTER TOPIC: Submit All Comic Issue Reports HERE! thread in the Suggestion Box section three times since November, and it still hasn’t been corrected yet. You can check out my reports here, here, here and here. But the details of my specific issue aren’t important; what’s important is that I’ve submitted a report to the MASTER TOPIC: Submit All Comic Issue Reports HERE! thread in the Suggestion Box section three times since November, and it still hasn’t been corrected yet.

Reports after mine have already been corrected. So, as near as I can figure, this means that one of three things has happened, all of them problematic:

  1. My report has been ignored (willfully) or overlooked (unintentionally) by the tech staff.
  2. The tech staff has decided not to correct the issue in my report.
  3. It’s taking an inordinately long time to correct my report.

As to #3, there’s no reason that I can think of that it would take over three-and-a-half months to correct the issue in my report, since it involves simply moving a couple of comic issues around on their respective series pages.

As to #2, in my third report, I provided details about why the change should be made. It’s not really something the tech staff could disagree with, since the information is provided by the comic issues themselves, not me. But, if they aren’t going to make the change for a valid reason, it would be nice to have a way to know that reason, so I don’t just keep making the same report over and over again; that currently doesn’t exist.

As to #1, that would be the biggest problem of all, since it would mean that the procedure we’re using for the Comic Issue Reports thread isn’t working as it should, or there is some breakdown in communications along the way.

I’d like to stress here that the Mods are doing a bang-up job. They monitor the suggestion threads regularly and submit the reports to where they need to go. So, I have no problem with their part in the process. They are to be commended, and I do so. The problem appears to arise with what happens to the reports when they reach the tech staff. Perhaps a ticketing system should be implemented for that thread, so that we can keep track of the progress of our reports, without having to check back ourselves to the pages we reported to see if they’ve been corrected yet. Or, maybe a member or two of the tech staff could participate in the community themselves so we can express our concerns and relay information to them directly, rather than needing to use the Mods as middlemen and go-betweens for our reports. I don’t know what the solution might be, but it’s clear that the process we’re using right now isn’t working exactly as it should.

I realize this is more feedback than a question, but I thought I should bring it to your attention. Thanks!