OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


Absolutely this is a question for this area! I strongly recommend taking a deep dive into some recent discussions we’ve had around that, including Jim Lee’s efforts to support comic shops with a recent initiative, as discussed on DC Daily today,, HEY, YOU WERE THERE! YOU KNOW!, DC’s efforts to connect with shops again and get physical distribution up and running again, including the interactive map of participating retailers who have adjusted their business model, and of course the oodles of Q&As that have happened in absence of conventions. Just wait’ll you see who we have next week!!

To answer the spirit of the question about using DC Universe as a breaking news destination, well, that’s kind of not what we do, I suppose. If you look at our News section you’ll find it dripping with editorial, strong personality, top fives, etc. But we allow our press partners like IGN, Deadline, and the site etc. to be our breaking source. We do repurpose the information here to ensure fans are in the loop, but we aren’t a BREAKER of news. That could be a future of our model as we evolve and establish a foothold in the industry, but because we’re domestic/U.S. only, that tends to throttle the distribution of information for our fans across the globe. Hope that makes sense :slight_smile: