MASTER TOPIC: What's NOT on DC Video You'd Like To See? šŸæ Pt II

Am I crazy or are some of the DCAU movies not on here? I apologize if this has been answered ad nauseam, but I couldnā€™t find an answer.


Youā€™re not crazy. DC Universe never claimed to be the place where you could find every DC movie. Many of them are licensed out to other distributors, or can be found on HBO Max.

A lot are on HBO Max

Applejack, Community Manager says

At this time the plans are already in motion to make HBO Max the only destination for video content.

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There are some movies missing like Justice League Dark (2017), Batman: Bad Blood, and Constantine: City of Demons (2018). Some in the DCAMU timeline that are missing that are available on HBO Max like Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. Why are these not available to watch on DC Universe and will these be added?

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Some are licensed out to other streaming services. The Constantine one is tough because it was a CW Seed thing. Then again so was The Ray and it made it onto HBO Max. Itā€™s all down to who has the streaming licenses for those as the moment.

Please look at link

ALL video will be removed from site by January 21 2021 as a gradual process starting next month with TV series Constantine


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I would like to see some new or return movies such as "Batman movies: vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Harley Quinn; The Killing Joker; Bad Blood; Year 1&2; Assault on Arkham; Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay; Gotham Knight; Return of the Dark Knight Parts 1&2; Mysteries of Batwoman; Mask of the Phantasm; Mechs vs Mutants; Animal Instincts; Mr. Freeze: SubZero; vs Dracula; Red Hood and Monster Mayhem.

Justice League movies: Dark; vs Teen Titans; Teen Titans: Judas Contract; Throne of Atlantis; Gods and Monsters; and Trapped in Time. Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons, and The Ray

Also, I would like to read a comic of Wonder Woman vs Nubia comics or film. Just a thought that I hope to come true real soon!

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Hi, @ali_neshe013.19048! Weā€™ve got a whole bunch of movies headed to DCU in just a couple days, which you can check out here:

As for Wonder Woman and Nubia, you can see them fight in her very first story arc ā€“ Wonder Woman #204-206!

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Okay Thanks! Canā€™t wait.

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Is all the video content moving to HBOMAX? Whatā€™s going to happen to the Linda Carter Wonder Woman show? The Adventures of Superboy? Or those staying or is all video content being removed? I already have HBOMAX and was one of the DC Universe subscribers before it launched.

EYERYTHING is being removed

Where it goes
hasnā€™t been drcided yet

@Applejack has stated she is pushing for everything to go to HBO Max as a group

Currrntly that is not how
HBO Max operates

It rotates stuff out quickly

Even though
it owns Harry Potter
It left the service quickly
Maybe to push
People to buy it.

Most of the
classic TV shows here
HBO Max wouldnā€™t want
Because of lack of popularity
They assume they wonā€™t get
Tbe hits needed to stay on the service

Who knows?

Constantine has 0 seasons
No episodes are available

That was supposed to happened
Late this month

Not October 1

Put it back

There are at least two WALs
Has set up for this show

And the DC History Club under @msgtv needs it because Constantine is a topic this month

Thanks for tagging me about this. Going to look into this!


Looks like itā€™s back


Yep! Weā€™re back and better than ever for our spine-chilling spookfest this month! :jack_o_lantern:



Just watched episode 12

Are all I ever wanted
In fiction
And at the end of life

Highly recommended
If you never watched it


Will the Batman: Death in the Family Interactive Movie be available on DC Universe?

Because of its
Where the viewer
Makes choices
It is more of an app
Than a movie
And as such
May be unavailable on streaming
Unless they create
Different movies
For each choice

is being removed
From this site
In January 2021
