:00_shazam: :00_shazam: Let's Talk About The New Champion of Shazam! :00_shazam: :00_shazam:

:laughing: I genuinely don’t care how any of them feel about my dedication to Grant Morrison’s work.


I mostly just watch one youtube channel for business commentary and comedy.

I am very curious what happens with this miniseries considering the new Shazam book that’s announced. Whatever happens with both, I really want the whole Shazam family to be back!


Its the one I think it is…isn’t it? Isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe we’ll get a “Shazamily” series to tie into the Shazam book Waid and Mora are doing?

As was said in '90s McDonald’s TV ads, “It could happen.”

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no clue what you think! :slight_smile: everyone should watch it with me. People would be much less silly.

The Shazamly movie-tie in one shot is definitely going in my collection, at least!


I bet its a fishy channel, isn’t it? Yes, that’s the cheese.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Shilo. People should be more silliererererererer.

The world has enough serious :poop: in it to go from Takron-Galtos and back, so I say the sillier, the bettererer! :point_up:t2: :crazy_face:

blows bubbles in his Ovaltine while humming the Pinky and the Brain theme

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No fish, only Pooh Bears.

I get my silliness from comics! Then I get my proper perspective from my youtube. :slight_smile:


Why Pooh, though? Honestly, I’m curious.

Well, there’s many other places to get your silliness from, you know. :grin:

I can dig that, but I like channels where the person talking knows what they’re talking about and their solicitation reviews aren’t half-assed attempts at comedy that fall flat every time.

I dunno, just what the channel likes! :slight_smile:

…never watch my solicitations reviews. Though at least I never try for comedy, since I have no sense of humor. :wink:

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He never even tries to talk about the solicits. Its just dumb joke after dumb joke.

Pah! You do have a sense of humor, you do!

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I think maybe we’re talking about different youtube channels :frowning:

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Quite likely. :smile:

If we’re talking about Pooh Bear’s Fish and Comic Jamboree though, then we’re simpatico, amigo.


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:smile: There, there. Have a deviled egg.

holds out a silver platter of the…things

Do you think Mary likes deviled eggs?

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Of course! It’s a very Easter food, and her sidekick is a bunny! (ignore the fact that I don’t celebrate with bunnies! :slight_smile: )

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Saying that you don’t likely means you do, you know. :grin:

yoinks a deviled egg when nobody’s looking

Me not Bizarro! Despite me reading Bizarro chapter of Red Hood Outlaw Webtoon today!

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scoots his school desk away, just a smooch

There’s a crack in the linoleum you see, and the district hasn’t ponied up the scratch to fix it, so…yeah.

Webtoon eats up much of my time (love ya, Lore Olympus!), so please don’t…oh hell, fine. I’ll go read it! :smile:

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Just read issue 3, and I was very dissapointed. Way too much drama crammed in, and unlike last 2 issues no fun. It was just depressing. I reccomend avoiding it until issue 4.


Reading #3 now, and I like it.

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Missing Persons spoilers:

The one you couldn’t figure out was Muscles McGinnis, who was a character who first appeared in Power of Shazam! #3. Also, the Kit that you saw earlier was Kit Freeman (Kid Eternity), not Kit Kendall (as can be seen clearly in #3’s poster). Oswald Babs comes from the comix Ozzie & Babs, so it’s an homage, but based off two characters, rather than one. And I agree with a later poster than the main villain is probably Georgia Sivana.