Let’s Check In On Each Other & Recommend A Book

I am so sorry. Hang in there! Don’t keep the therapy up if ya need to rest for a couple of days. Nobody will blame ya.


Hey @CassTheStreet I hope you get well soon. Get your rest and listen to your doctor. Good vibes to you!


Wish I was able to not keep doing it, but I work for an agency and they have me going still. Fun for me right?


@CassTheStreet I was really sick about two weeks ago I got tested had a lot of the symptoms. I had a headache that wouldn’t go away! I hope you get feeling better and is negative. Did they tell you that the test has a 20% percent chance of being a false negative. When you get feeling better get the antibody test just to be sure. I really hope you are feeling better very soon!


Ooof! Sorry!


Hey @CassTheStreet!

Thanks for checking in with me! I’m so sorry to hear that you might be sick. Hopefully, it is just, at worse, a nasty cold. I have been wondering how you were doing, knowing that you, like my sister, are essential and, most likely, still having to go out and take cases.

All is well here. Just doing my part with helping family, friends, and colleagues gather strength and sanity during these trying times.

:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


@CassTheStreet, even though you come bearing bad news, I am so, so happy to see you! I hope that you take some time to rest, maybe just get slammed against a wall half a million times? I know you’ll get through this- you’re the stuff of legend! :heart: Please continue to check in and let us know how you’re doing :hugs:


Your Grandpa Don-el is still doing ok as well as wifie Mrs. Don-el. I am so sorry to hear you have this virus. I know you won’t mind if I say a prayer or two, and eagerly wait for you to tell me you are ok in a few weeks as well!


Ok, the Rona has gone too far.

Yells at the Rona in the ‘Leave Britney Alone voice’: Leave @CassTheStreet alone!!!

Seriously though, I hope you feel better and can focus on your recovery. Please keep me updated - feel free to DM me anytime.

I’m doing well, just very busy these days. I’m working a lot, and there are a lot of new demands of me at home. On the positive side - I just finished my 30-day fitness challenge and I crushed it!


I’m all over the place sleep schedule wise. Other then that I’m good. Aren’t we supposed to recommend a read? I’ll recommend Lex Luthor Man of Steel & check in on @Razzzcat & @Reaganfan78. I’ll break rules & throw @SuperBlueGrodd in there too.


Hello, thanks for the tag cappo! School just ended, so I’m ready for summer! Though there might not be much to do, oh well, that leaves more time for relaxation! For a book suggestion, I’ve really been enjoying the 2018-2019 freedom fighters maxi-series.


Thankyou @capo-mage, I really appreciate that.
I want to do a shoutout to @MissInkBlot, @msgtv and @DC89, I’ve been thinking about you guys and I hope you’re all are doing well and have a great week.
Book I recommended is Scooby-Doo team up. It’s such a happy and fun book to read.


@capo-mage I don’t recommend books because I generally like stuff others don’t like so much. Insecurity and all. If I must name something, I’ll say…

Hawkworld by Timothy Truman. It’s my favorite version of Hawkman and I’d really like to see him used again.


Hopes & well wishes. All pulling for ya’. I just thought last night, as soon as I finish Superman triangle era 3 I’m rereading infinite. Great choice. Hope u feel well soon.


I’m opposite. I tend to like…no love anything DC. However, I promise never to recommend something unless it’s an almost for sure no doubter on here. I love Hawkworld. I’ve read it as a tie-in & in a lot of different ways. You can recommend freely to me. I love all of it if it’s DC.


Welcome to my life. Take joy in your offbeat choices getting someone off the vanilla.


Hey @capo-mage!! How have you been? What’s the 411, buddy? Im still hangin’ in there. Just landing somewhere in the middle. Thanx for thinking of me!
I just got that Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy comic that follows Heroes on Crisis…I’d like someone to discuss it with, so I’m gonna recommend that!! haha :grinning:

Aannnd ima tag…Hmm. :thinking: @bribriibri, @Dcgoddessofmayhem and @Maeagain. Having a better day today? Would you like a kitten pile? :purple_heart:


Hiya @Razzzcat I’m doing peachy, thanks for asking! I hope you are too and you’re enjoying that Harley & Ivy comic! Also, a kitten pile is always welcome, there is literally no instance when it couldn’t improve a situation. I’ve been watching some Arrowverse on Netflix as well as Bee & Puppycat on YouTube, so while it’s not comics I’d definitely recommend that to anyone, I posted about it in the official Pick-Me-Up topic! :purple_heart:


Hey Thanks for the check in!! =)

I’m okay during all this I would say there are definitely ups and down for sure, but overall I can’t complain.

Hope you’re staying well too!


I’m on it. Doing well. Stuck in comics big time. Soon as I finish Triangle ERA 3 I will read your request & we can discuss.