Let’s Check In On Each Other & Recommend A Book

Awesome! That’ll officially earn you paisan status! :wink: Hit me up whenever your ready! What else are you reading, btw? Glad to hear your doing well! Keep it up! Talk soon. Take care. :heart:

Ps… @BatmanMazz! How goes?


You know what, @Mae?? You’re :100: CORRECT!! :grinning: :purple_heart:

@bribriibri Please enjoy the precious kitten pile…especially if theres a “down” moment. :facepunch:t3:


Hi @Razzzcat !! I have to apologize for missing the last two watch alongs. It’s been super busy with things and was just exhausted after the last two days. Feeling pulled in a lot of directions with stuff. Hoping this weekend helps wind things down a bit. I had to go put flags up at the cemetery for Memorial Day and then have to write up something for the paper for the service on Monday. How are you @Razzzcat and @Reaganfan78 ?


I’m doing very well Thankyou.:slightly_smiling_face:


Aww, no need to apologize, @BatmanMazz! I did miss you, but things get hectic—I totally understand! Trust me.
Just remember things will not always feel this way and to take a breather as often as you can. :hugs: internet hugs Sending you energy and strength. :purple_heart:
Also, plz enjoy :point_up_2: the kitten pile! …Unless you’re more of a dog-person. I’ll gladly find you a puppy pile lol. You two, @Ortega807…checkin in—how are things? Whatcha readin? Enjoy.


I’m doing great! I’ve just been keeping up with the Harley comics and winning those points lol. And yes I enjoy the kitten pile! So cute!


Same. Got my eye on one particular item! :wink:
Glad you’re doing well. See you next week!
Take care. :purple_heart:


Thank you so much @Razzzcat for all the kind words. I truly appreciate it. My nephew has started watching Titans when he was housesitting Thursday and Friday, and he binged the whole series. I started to read Sam Humphries Harley Quinn again and noticed that all my points had been covered for the week already. I have my eye on a very certain statue in the rewards page. Again, I truly appreciate the kindness and the internet hugs. You really are a great person that I have been blessed to come in contact with due to the community. I feel this community is definitely needed in times like these.



If you haven’t already, read Kingdom Come. It’s an Elseworlds story, so feel free to jump in blind.

The miniseries is worth reading for the epilogue alone.

That is all. Thank me later. :smile:


I just wanted to say I was having a rough night, and although I wasn’t tagging into this thread, I think it’s really great to see the DC community coming together like this. Thanks for making me smile tonight, y’all, and for the suggestions you’re sharing with each other!


Hope your night is truly better and your tomorrow rocks.


@MegRojahn I hope things turn around for you! This community is wonderful!


I’m reading Legends of the DCU (1997) & most of the stuff they release every Tue.


If it’s the same one I’m eyeing, how totally rad would an Arkham-Ivy look next to it, huh?! :star_struck: I hope you get the one you want!
Also, :heart: Those are very kind words. Please know I feel the same way. You’re a ray of light in my corner of the world, Mazz. You too, @capo-mage! You were the first person to chat w/ me when I started participating here, and w/o fail you’ve always been so pleasant and made things easy. You’re a rock star. I appreciate you.


Hello! :wave: I hope you’re doing better today. And while you’re here, real quick: Whatcha readin’? Got anything you want to suggest? I’m all :eyes: eyes. :wink:


I hope you get the one you want as well!! By Friday, I should have the points I need, and I hope it’ll be available!


Likewise @Razzzcat. I’ve been burying my nose into comics lately. You’re definitely a kindred spirit…


It’s a Crisis kind of night for me! Nice glass of wine, snuggly blanket, and The Monitor. :joy: Can’t go wrong there, right?


I decided to change my profile pic to one that I saw in The Who’s Who entry for James Gordon. I was so excited that I could make my handle “My Pal Jimmy” because Batman’s pal is James Gordon. It was something that made me smile. It may be cheesy, but it was worth it for me.


Hey there CP sorry it’s been a bit since you tagged me! I have been having the craziest time at work!! Every week is worse than the last, haha. I am still okay health-wise. We all were required to be tested and now we have to fight them through our union because they refused to pay for our time. When I get home from work I just crash, lol. I’ve been trying to drag myself through the days. Keeping busy by preparing to move and getting closer to buying a house! I am excited about that and someday getting a haircut again.

@CassTheStreet I hope you are still hanging in there and feeling better soon. With the way you’re still pushing through and handling appointments, that takes amazing strength, you’re awesome!