Harley’s Crew | Book Club | Harley Quinn Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour

Lol! Of course not! This is just Me. :full_moon_with_face:


A few thoughts about issue two of Eat Bang Kill:

Love Ivy’s possessive and dominating energy. “I can snack on them whenever I want” snaps fingers in Z formation. Still, Ivy being a little jealous of Harley’s hyenas is amusing and adorable lol

Harley and Ivy’s first little fight as a couple. Ivy really really needs to start talking about her feelings (more on that in a bit). And yes boundaries Harley, boundaries. I did not expect Selina to come to the door in her cat pj’s. I love this look on her especially her attitude it never fails lol

Gordon’s wife doesn’t even hide that she’s cheating on him anymore and gave him herpes. Poor dude. I really pity him.

deep sigh Ivy, Ivy, Ivy. Ivy is going to explode. Like seriously hun you’re doing that thing again where everyone can see that there is something going on with you and you’re once again delaying the inevitable by dodging and holding everything in. Despite the fun and happiness that Harley and Ivy are having you can just feel this ticking time bomb just waiting to go off at any moment. Ivy clearly has a lot of bottled up emotions and I’m worried if she doesn’t start talking soon she’s going to lash out in harmful ways and say some things she doesn’t mean. We’re already seeing hints of it. And it’s frustrating because Harley wants to talk about it but she knows she shouldn’t press her. And Ivy needs to be talking to Harley about what’s bothering her not Selina (the wonderful goddess that she is) who doesn’t give a sh** about her feelings. My questions for Ivy are why won’t you talk to Harley about it? Are you afraid you’re going to hurt her feelings? Are you afraid it will jeopardize your relationship? Open up woman.

Honestly I think what Ivy needs is some peace and quiet and some time to reflect but she also needs to express that to Harley


I’m glad to see a little more characterization for Selina in this issue, I liked her in the show, but she was a little one dimensional and I hope season 3 continues to expand on her character.

Also liked the subtle progress Ivy is making coming to terms with the fallout of from the wedding. In issue one her regret was not pretending to be happy with Kiteman and in issue two she’s progressed to wishing she hadn’t accepted his proposal.

I’m really hoping someone or something can pull Gordon from the brink.

Some panels I found interesting/funny

Harley’s bra apparently has infinite storage


Two things about this panel

  1. I think Harley’s run in with Granny Goodness still has her a little shook when dealing with older women
  2. “What’s wrong with that hyenas face…oh”

I like the Selina and Ivy interactions this issue and hope at some point we get a little more on their history. I kinda assume Ivy had a crush on Selina at some point based on their season 2 interactions

I like this detail of Ivy saving Selina’s cat from Gordon’s grenade.

The heart shape made with a whip and a possible Batman smirk.

And just this picture of Harley in Gordon’s surveillance van


I love snacks :speak_no_evil:


If boob jerky becomes a thing, we all know it can’t be abbreviated as “BJ”, because-

the room quiets down

…well, why couldn’t it be abbreviated as “BJ”?

Afterall, one could say “I’d love-”

the room is quiet

So coughs, awkwardly…how about that NFL? Thursday night’s the night!


…and tasty snax! :smirk: :full_moon_with_face:


Looks like there is at least one more variant of the first issue. Max Sarin posted a picture of the variant covers on their twitter page and the last one in the second row is one I haven’t seen before.



That dog is saying “Collect them all!” with its body language. :smirk: :slight_smile:


lol that dog is a bad influence.

Even though he looks like a good boy.


I think we can all agree that in the world of Harley Quinn, a bad influence is actually a good influence, in a roundabout way.

pets the dog

Oh, good doggy! Who likes Harley? You do!

The above comes from a cat guy, BTW. :harley_hv_1:


So, I just read issue #2. This is the most enjoyable art I’ve seen in a long time. There’s so much visual appeal with the expressions and detailing. I’m also a huge sucker for animal art, so seeing Bud & Lou featured so much as well as all Selina’s kitties is super fun.


LOL, Me too, @Mae! (I do believe I might be using #BoobJerky for a while considering it references Bud & Lou AND Ivy. Plus it’s fun to say. It just is) :joy:

:eyes: :rotating_light: Thank you, as always @lo_third! I’m loving all the variants, plus the standard covers—on top of some truly expressive and wonderful panels.


NGL, I belted out an “aww!” a time or two when I saw her kitties.

BTW, her cats would make scraps out of Bud and Lou.

Sure, they’re bigger, but never underestimate the ferocity of cats, especially those under the guidance of one Selina Kyle. :catwoman_hv_1: :cat2:


:point_up_2: That. Agree.
Comics can be the best of both worlds (writing and artwork), and this series is nailing it so far. A+

On that note: Ms. Kitty. :catwoman_hv_2: and Ms. Kitty Jr.

Jinx @Vroom :stuck_out_tongue:



I owe you a Soder! However, if you want jerky, I’m fresh out.

looks in freezer

I do have Wonder Woman popsicles, though.

SN: @Razzzcat, Diamond was the name of Pete’s cat in my Marshmallow Pete stories.

Selina and I evidently have similar tastes in naming our fuzz muffins.


Agreed, all the covers for this series have been great.

Tee Franklin actually posted a better view of the latest variant. The artist for that one is Zoe Lacchei.


I dig it. Hard to pick a favorite but I think I have to go with the one on the top right because of the vine action. I think that’s a very nice touch. :ok_hand:


My favs:

1: Second in from the left.
2. The one next to that.
3. Bottom left.


I guess issue one sold well, because it’s getting a second printing with a new cover in October.


For anyone interested, there is finally some information about the last issue #1 variant by Zoe Lacchei . It’s gonna be sold by Trinity Comics as a New York Comic-Con exclusive.

Posted the cover in the variants cover thread.


An accurate reaction, so I’ll just park this here again, lol. :purple_heart: