Dear DC Diary

I’d like to hang out with Clark & family at the farmhouse on the Kent farm. Get a bbq going, have a few soders. Listen to ma & pa tell stories from Clark’s childhood, and hear what Lois & Jon have to say about his constant disappearing acts to save the world. Can’t all be about Supes though. I’d probably bring the family, so maybe we can share some fun/embarrassing stories of our own :slightly_smiling_face:.

Edit: Forgot to say that was a beautifully written diary entry @Reaganfan78. You inspired me!



Thankyou, I really appreciate that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dear DC Journal

You can tell what a writer majored in, in college, just by the way they write their Swamp Thing run.


Dear DC Diary,

Finally read Wonder Woman Black and Gold and it was absolutely delightful. Went to the “Official” thread to leave a comment and after posting it noticed it said “4 Months Later” above it. I may be slow but I get there in the end.

Golden Age Wonder Woman ain’t putting up with your nonsense, tank!


That was in the 1st pictures I posted after reading that issue!!., it’s amazing!!!


Dear DC Diary,

The past couple days of being a DC and Superman fan have been somewhat difficult. I got caught up in the rumors that Henry Cavill may be making a surprise appearance at the DC Hall H panel, to announce his return as Superman. He didn’t. Disappointing, but that’s fine. What’s not fine:

  • Saying there’s no Cavill Superman without Snyder.
  • Bashing Jim Lee for simply stating that they’re not developing more Snyder stuff.
  • DC releasing two awesome trailers for movies that are right around the corner, and only being fixated on the Snyder cut material in them.
  • Booing Dwayne Johnson for giving a diplomatic answer on basically not knowing who will be playing Superman next.
  • Calls to boycott HBO Max for the lack of Snyder news.

Would I have been excited for a Snyder announcement? Of course, because I like his DC movies. Would I have been happy for a Cavill Superman announcement, with or without Snyder? Also of course, because he’s great in the role. Do I want to see DC and Superman movies succeed beyond Snyder and even Cavill? Naturally because I love DC and I love Superman. I would have welcomed any Superman movie news. I actually think Tyler Hoechlin would be awesome on the big screen.

I don’t tweet a whole lot, but I do lurk on there. I think I should block the Snyder hashtags (don’t even know if that’s a thing you can do). Would that be weird, given that I am a fan of the Snyder movies?


Not at all. What you’re feeling is completely understandable and if it means anything, a lot of fans no matter what the fandom is goes through this. It sucks that there are times where certain groups of people become toxic, and it’s really hard to ignore when they are being so loud and over the top. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that get so caught up in what they want and how they feel that they often times forget about other factors that are out of our control. Yes we did get the Snyder Cut, but they made it extremely clear that that was it, that’s what we get. Many people, myself included, accepted this fact with no problem. Some were a little bummed because they would like to see more, but they understand that if that’s what we get that’s what we get. Then of course, there are those that believe that they are so entitled that they will demand for things they cannot have even when it’s clear they will not. Wanting a sequel to a good movie is not a bad thing, but it’s how you ask/demand for it that effects everything.

And this happens with every fandom. It is especially hard to be able to cater to a bunch of different people who all want different things. As somebody who wants to write fiction, I have to be aware that there are people I just simply can not impress or entertain, and there’s a chance that there will be people who have ugly behaviors. It sucks that this is a thing, but that’s what happens when you give people a voice and technology.

I would suggest that you take a break from the internet altogether, at least for a day or two. Then if any new trailers or news comes out from SDCC, watch it on YouTube and avoid the comment section. Sometimes not looking at fan feedback is a good thing, especially if it’s something that you know will get a lot of reactions. At least that’s what I do. Don’t get me wrong, fan opinions are not a bad thing, but sometimes its okay to not care about them and save yourself the potential comment that will get under your skin. If you want to see a discussion about it, there’s always this community which is better about being more optimistic and less negative.

I hope this post helps a little bit, and if there’s anyone else here that feels similar (which I imagine there are) then this post applies to you too. I know how bad it feels to see people trash on things you love, but keep in mind that there are still a lot of people who have better fan etiquette than those people do.


:pray: :heart:

You are awesome @TheWifeOfJasonTodd

This :point_up_2:

The whole thing is so over the top, it’s offputting.

Wish you all the best of luck and success

Yeah, I don’t engage outside of here. You guys rock :slightly_smiling_face:.

Definitely taking a break from Twitter and Reddit. Ugh.

It does. I appreciate you taking the time to write it.


I read more Justice Society


Always :hugs:


Too many within the fandom be toxic (not here in DCUI of course, but def out there across them interwebz). Just sayin’.


Dear DC Diary,



Dear DC Diary,

Hal Jordon would set off Planet Fitness’ Lunk Alarm.


Dear dc diary
just read batman dark knight dark city would recommend
also I would really like a red hood on going comic


I read more Justice Society


Dear DC Diary,

Since I have joined DCUI, my DC reading style has been to focus on a single character/team and then read the heck out of them (meaning I read every single issue they have on DCUI).

Past Read the Heck out of:

  1. Wonder Woman :00_wonder_woman_stars:
  2. Suicide Squad :00_suicide_squad:
  3. Doom Patrol :doom_patrol_club:

Currently Reading the Heck out of:

  1. Birds of Prey :00_birds_of_prey:

I read the first three because I saw the movie/tv show and loved them. Birds of Prey I just decided to read since I was caught up on all the other titles and I love Gail Simone so….

In conclusion, BoP: 10/10 would recommend. :birds_of_prey_club_oracle:


I read more Justice Society


I love that cover. Dan Hipp is awesome.


That small image makes it hard to appreciate, but yes it is really good. It also has one of my favorite JSA group shot tropes, everybody is looking serious except for Stargirl.