DC Fan Art Club: Monthly Challenge, March 2020

Thank you @chongoboy1014, really appreciate your positive feedback. Robinbot was pretty much doomed from the start, lol . I’ve been told a lot of crazy things about my art , but everyone on here is so cool :sunglasses: and super nice about everything. I really love this community.


@Viciousdark I hope you don’t mean crazy in a negative context, cause I might have to have words with some peeps. I think it’s fantastic, I always love seeing what you put on here




Sweet, thanks my man!:joy:


Hey y’all, this has actually nothing to do with art, but just thought I’d put this here…I don’t know if you guys have heard anything, but I’m here in Utah and there’s a string of earthquakes and aftershocks going on here. If you could keep us here in your thoughts or prayers or whatever your beliefs are, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


You wouldn’t believe what I’ve been told, I didn’t draw that , probably most common, I stole that, stole the art from myself :thinking:, because I couldn’t redraw a piece that took me hours in five seconds right in front of them that I’m not a very good artist, cleaning up the language a little bit, :joy: lol. So you and everyone else on here are awesome :clap: :sunglasses: and @CynicalPink the squad meme is prefect lol.


Wow, I’m sorry to hear that man, don’t worry, I believe you drew it​:wink:


@chongoboy1014 Absolutely! Sending :pray: + :four_leaf_clover: and all that good stuff your way

@Viciousdark The world has its share of [expletives]. I guess they keep the world interesting. Or something. :unamused: I find your art and efforts incredibly inspiring; you make me want to try harder and be braver with what I attempt! I’m sure I’m not alone in that.


Thank you again @chongoboy1014 you rock, & @CynicalPink that’s is awesome, I wish there was something better, :face_with_monocle: lets see now,ah yes, awe inspiring, breathtaking, extremely impressive, daunting, well you get the point lol :joy:, what you said there I hope I do , thank you.


@CynicalPink just wondering if I could post here for feedback on another robin piece that I’m doing for this month. It’s really just for myself and not for the challenge, but I just wanted to know what I can post here, or where I should go for feedback.


@loganmichaelphilips Sorry for the late reply! Work was hectic.

I promised everyone I’d get a Feedback Thread made ages ago, so I’ll get on that right now. Will be quick :flash_hv_5:


Hey guys! I finished my drawing of Rochelle Wayne


@loganmichaelphilips DC Fan Art Club: Feedback Forum All set!

@emmgregson.12517 She looks great! I didn’t get to read her story – does she have a swashbuckler/pirate vibe going on? Your design makes me think of Three Musketeers. Nice work on form and hands, too! Really glad you decided to jump into this month’s challenge!


@loganmichaelphilips Maybe add the back of Joker’s head in the picture to make it clear that he is about to be punched.

At first I thought the Joker was caught by the Robinbot and he was storing him in his body.


Hi everyone! :smile:
Here is my attempt at Robbie the Robin, from Krypto the Superdog:

My black pencil got really blunt as I was coloring Ace’s cowl, and I can’t find my sharpener. :cry: So it just looks kind of faded in the back. :sweat_smile:

I enjoy drawing birds with biro pens, so I wanted to see if I could draw a (semi) realistic robin with the more cartoony costume added in. I felt like the (attempted :sweat_smile:) realism sorta took away from the playful/cartoony nature of Robbie though, so I decided to put a somewhat unimpressed Ace behind him to try and show the difference in personality.

This is the biro sketch. :slightly_smiling_face:

Plus color:

Thought I’d share my initial sketches too, because I found them funny. :sweat_smile: :laughing:


Everyone’s art looks AMAZING by the way. :smiley: :heart_eyes:
So many different styles, too :open_mouth:


I love the (very) realistic bird/cartoony dog effect!!


I finished Matt! I wanted to go for a advanced pose (at least advanced for me haha) so it took quite awhile. I hope everyone likes it.


So I left the cord that connects my tablet to my computer at my mom’s place, and I don’t currently own any colored pencils or pens (and I can’t go out because of this virus), but I messed around a bit with editing the photo and got this creepy-ish effect, which I thought was fitting for the Red Rain universe.

Also it’s been a while since I’ve drawn (which is why I joined this club - so I could be forced to do it more) so I’m not really happy with the shapes but whatever.


Love it. The blunt black pencil situation was a happy accident as it gives the cowl more depth. I imagine them standing next to the Bat Signal ready to jump into action.

Thanks for sharing your process too. It always fascinating to see the behind the scenes of an artist thought process as they make a piece,