[CLOSED] What Bonuses Have You Found?

It looks like pacing is/was important for the leaderboard, a few weeks ago I was consistently making it into the top 5, but now I’ve dropped down into 30th place. I think a combination of other people gaining the platinum bonus on top of their weekly cap, as well as some other factor I don’t know of seems to move them up on the board. Overall this isn’t too critical for most but I recommend trying to plan ahead to take advantage of the platinum bonus. In my case I think I could have planned better and barely could have gotten platinum sooner.

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100 comics 50 points


Got 40 Bonus points from Superman Red Son movie, within the 72 hours.


@lilmotto2002.10796, thanks so much for kicking off this helpful topic! I’ve made some notes regarding updates for some new bonus experiences you may have as a result of the earn rate change from weekly to daily.

I’ve hidden it behind this expandable menu in case anyone really enjoys discovering these details on their own :male_detective:

New Bonus Details

Read 5 Comics - 20 Tokens

  • To put more explicitly, this should say “Read 5 Comics in 24 Hours”. Because the daily limit will be reached by that time, chances are you won’t see this bonus appear. But all other bonuses triggered by reading X, Y, or Z amount of comics will not be impacted after that first 24 hour period.

Watch A Movie, Show, etc. within X hours of Release

  • To earn this, you will want to be sure you have not exhausted your daily limit.
    We understand that there is a bug with earning the “View an Original series within 48 hours of premiere” that we’re looking into, as an aside.

Any Bonuses Requiring You Read/Watch "Consecutively"

  • Because of that initial 24 hour limit, plan the consecutive days carefully. For example:
    Day 1 - watch 4 episodes (10, 10, 10, 10) hit cap at 40 tokens
    Day 2 - watch 1 episodes (10)
    After that first 24 hours, it won’t have an impact on your ability to earn that bonus no matter how many comics you read in a day. But it has to be “consecutive” - so if you’re going for that bonus, make sure you don’t watch/read any other content while you’re waiting for the daily limit to reset.

Post in the community- 10 tokens

  • The amount of tokens rewarded has been reduced.

There are most likely some other little tweaks here/there, but these are the ones to be aware of, considering previous expectations. And that’s it, that’s all I’m going to say! If you have further questions, you’ll just have to poke around :zipper_mouth_face:

Good Luck, Token Hunters!


Question, does anyone know if the bonus for watching a bonus event movie gives the bonus tokens on top of the advertised?For instance, superman red son shows up on the earn page for and advertised 10 points. but if you watch it while the fire icon is lit (within 72 hours) you get bonus points (40 points). Does anyone know?

It should. Bonuses are in addition to base

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I watched red son, just got the 40 points, though I did read a comic afterward and got 15, maybe that cancelled it out, not sure. A friend told me they got 50.

If I am at my weekly limit but still accomplish the criteria for a bonus reward does that unlock? Or no because of the limit?

No it will not. You need to earn the points for doing the task to trigger the bonus. example you read 99 comics and reach your daily limit. if you read another comic you will not get the bonus and the amount of total read comics does not increase. it only counts what you have earned points for. so you have to wait until the next day to read comic 100 and earn your bonus.

Gotcha. See I’ve just been doing what I want regardless of what the bonuses are. If I feel like watching a show or movie, I watch a show or movie. If I feel like reading comics, I read comics. I will probably keep doing it that way, less stressful and don’t have to keep track of stuff lol.


Great idea - love this thread @lilmotto2002.10796. Does anyone know if there is a way to remove the books/shows/articles from your rewards screen when you have read/watched/read them? I know the dashboard shows you the activity for which you have received rewards but I find myself having to scroll through a number of titles or books that I have already read…

I know there’s a weekly limit of how many points I get. I’ll watch the shorts and get the 10 points each then I’ll go to read a comic issue and won’t get any. Is anyone else having the same problem. I know I still have points I can get for the week so I know I didn’t reach the weekly limit.
Also I put it on auto read with 2 seconds per frame of that makes a difference.

It’s a daily limit no.

I watched it from 0 points and got the 10 for the base watch but no bonus yet. with the new daily cap im wondering if its impacting how long it takes to show up? I wonder if it was the first thing i did but it takes a while to show up, if i do something else will it cancel out?

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@lilmotto2002.10796 Not sure if you’re still updating this post, but I think this one may no longer be active:

Watch an episodes on DCU within 72 hours of release - 10 points

I watched Doom Patrol’s 3 new eps within 72 hours of release and no bonus for any of them.


I’ve noticed it doesn’t work day or night of release but the following day it typically works.


Ah, shoot. Maybe make note of that above?

I had the exact same problem


I don’t know, I watched episode 2 today and no bonus. I think they acknowledged there’s a glitch with that one, though.


Always works for DC Daily for me. I plan my bonuses around DC Daily and not other originals because of that issue

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