Birds of Prey | Book Club Wks: 22-26 | Pride Spotlight: Batwoman & Renee Montoya

To be clear, it spun more out of 52, not Countdown.

I was a little unclear – never even finished the first season. I think once the second season pops on HBO Max I’ll try and binge the whole thing.

I keep hearing that Ryan is good, but…man, I just want Kate in there, and it gets especially more frustrating since from what I’ve seen the actress they got to replace Ruby Rose is really into the role and is legit a great actress (LOVED her on Krypton) which makes me think “why not just recast Kate with her in the first place?!”

I somewhere online someone say that season 2 of the show seems to take the path of most resistance and from what I’ve seen it sounds about right.


Doh!!! My bad. I haven’t read 52 since it came out, minus the first 10 or so issues last summer. I was reading from a physical book and kind of assumed it was Countdown.


It’s all good – forgive me if you’ve been participating and I’m having a dumb moment, but I’ve been doing a Book Club for 52 if you want to slowly catch up that way. :smiley:


I have finally gotten around to reading Elegy and Batwoman up to issue 34.

Those Rucka Detective Comics were great. By the end of the series, Kate Kane was well defined and had a great origin story. Williams picked up the story and it was so much fun. The art in both stories was great and often slowed my reading down, not a bad thing.