
I saw that, that’s great.

And, I have to say…she aged well.

Just read that the show was picked up for a full season!

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I swear to the gods, if that Robin turns out to be Damian again…


Just watched the latest episode (10/27). Did I actually just hear Magpie referred to as “Gotham’s most dangerous burglar.”? :rofl:

Catwoman must not exist in this Gotham :catwoman_hv_5:

they’re talking about the upcoming movie, not the campy old tv show that ran one season

No, we were comparing the Batwoman flavor to the old Birds of Prey show.

Sorry, thought @Capt.Grumpy was referring to Montoya in BoP referenced by @DigificWriter. I see my error now.

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The show is slowly getting better. I’m not convince Ruby Rose is the best actress they could have gotten. So far she is the weakest aspect of the show. Her performances are getting stronger since the pilot, but she hasn’t really embraced the dual identity characterization thing very well so far.

Time will tell how well she ultimately fits the suit. Right now it still needs a lot of tailoring. I like Luke Fox’s character, but that’s another either commit to being the tech guru in her ear or not. Neither character is relishing their actions.

They are developing their core demographic, and that’s a plus for ratings and season renewal.

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Right now, I don’t think the show is bad, it’s just…dull. Of all the CW shows, it’s the one that struggles to hold my attention the most. That’s a problem since I love all things Batman.

I have to say that Ruby Rose is probably the worst DC lead the CW has. But overall, I’m liking it

I think it’s possible she can grow into the role, but it may take a bit. Now that the last 13 have been picked up, I’m hopeful for the second half to be stronger.

I’m sure she will. But I think the others kind of had the role right away. It at least better than she does. Here’s hoping though:gl_hv_5:

This weeks episode had me on the edge of my seat :grin:. Loved learning about what happened to Beth/Alice after the accident. I also want more of Mary and Luke :rofl:. It may not be the best show out there at the moment but I’m diggin it :batman_hv_5:

Another really fun episode (11/10). Liked the name drops like Cobblepot and Jack Napier :grin:. I also like the "villain of the week " format with the main story still looming in the background :batman_hv_1:

I enjoyed the episode a lot, good villain of the week story, good character moments. My only complaint, is Sophie knowing Kate Kane is Batwoman.

It is not a surprise and I get that Sophie knows Kate to well to hide it from her is the point. But it seems blatantly obvious that likely before the season is over her dad and step-sister will know Kate is Batwoman, and everyone will be hanging out in the Batcave as “Team Batwoman”. And the Arrowverse does that every time, every hero has to have an entourage of other characters who know and are team insert hero’s name here. Except for Legends of course, since it is a team book.

I do like at least this time it is happening slower. But I wish they would do something different for once and just keep it to Kate and Luke. I know I know a mask would not fool people who truly know you for long, but it’s a super hero show. Have we really gotten to the point that with super heroes more popular then ever we are going to pick NOW to just decide that in a world with people who can fly hiding behind a mask from those close to you is just too much artistic license to ignore?

Sorry for the rant, it just has gotten old with Arrowverse shows to keep doing this. It has become lazy following this same “team” format every show.

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I dont so much mind the team superhero thing as much as I dislike when every member of that support team becomes a superhero as well. As long as they keep it Batwoman focused I’ll be ok. I do see you’re point though, I just REALLY want to like this show due to my love of all things Gotham.

I’m enjoying the show, only thing I can point to that I dislike is how big a deal Batman’s suit is supposed to be. It takes away from his (and therefore Kate’s) skills. But then, I didn’t like it when Michael Keaton’s Batman could take a bullet.

I agree. The show has been pretty solid thus far, but they introduce the suit as bullet proof, then create bullets that can penetrate the suit so that there’s still the risk of Kate being shot. What was the point of being bullet proof in the first place?

Just saw where they only have one more episode before the Crisis crossover begins and it occurred to me - don’t they need to have some reference to the crossover from last year (from Kate’s point of view) first?

There’s two more episodes before Crisis, and they don’t necessarily need to directly reference Elseworlds. Luke made a passing mention about the breakout at Arkham in the first episode after Elseworlds (timeline-wise), but nothing like that is needed to set up Crisis. There’s already been plenty of setup for that