Arrowverse Couch Club

Hello, i started regularly watching the Arrowverse shows just after crisis. Before that I had only watched the first 2 seasons of Arrow and Flash, the first season of Supergirl and a few episodes of the 1st season of LoT so I’ve got some catching up to do.

My favorite shows as of now are Batwoman, Black Lightning. and Supergirl ( although I am loving the Constantine stuff in LoT).

This group does sound like fun and I am keeping up with all the shows post crisis. I’m hoping to go back and watch everything in order but finding the time is a little tricky with my work schedule.

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Glad to have you on board, even if you’re still catching up! You’ll definitely want to avoid the main club discussion pages if you’re looking to avoid current spoilers, but we’ll still be here when you’re ready to go!

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Thx, I dont really mind spoilers though. I still enjoy seeing things unfold on screen even when I know whats gonna happen. Its more movie spoilers that I try to avoid.

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Supergirl day 1 and Flash Netflix Batwoman day 1 and Binged Arrow on Netflix (rip)


Constantine, Killer Frost, Lucifer, Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman


OMG just watch Batwoman drink me ahh loved it


I guess he does technically count as an Arrowverse character now after Crisis. I actually haven’t watched the show at all, but I still got oddly excited when he popped up and started chatting w/ Constantine. Hopefully Earth-666 is still around in the post-Crisis multiverse

It was definitely another fantastic episode. The first discussion page is still open, so feel free to contribute your thoughts there!


1. When did you start watching?
I saw the first episode of Arrow when it aired, and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, due to my schedule at the time I couldn’t watch the show live until season 3. So I ended up watching seasons 1-2 on DVD until my schedule smoothed out.

2. Which show is your favorite?
Oh, that is tough because I enjoy all of the tv shows and each show carries a unique vibe. My top three (in no particular order) has to be: Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl. Honorable mentions would have to be Black Lightning and Legends of Tomorrow.

3. Who’s your favorite character? (or characters if you can’t choose just one)
It’s like that old commercial I can’t choose just one :laughing:, but I can do at least three:

Heroes: Oliver, Laurel Lance (Earth-2), & Roy
Villains: Deathstroke, Prometheus, & Dark Archer

The Flash
Heroes: Barry, Caitlin/Frost, & Joe
Villains: Reverse Flash, Zoom, & Savitar (I do love the early villains like Captain Cold and Heatwave)

Heroes: Kara, Alex, & J’onn
Villains: Lex, Agent Liberty, & Non

Legends of Tomorrow
Heroes: Sara, Ray, & Stein (Honorable Mention: Constantine & Heatwave)
Villains: Legion of Doom & Mallus

Black Lightning
Heroes: Jefferson, Gambi, & Khalil
Villains: Tobias, Painkiller, & Gravedigger (Honorable Mention: Odell)

4. What do you love most about the Arrowverse?
I love many things about the Arrowverse. I would have never thought they would build an elaborate universe to creating fantastic crossover events. It’s fun to watch one show one day and step into one world, and then jump into another the next night. The Arrowverse isn’t perfect, but overall it is one of my favorite comic book universes. I will recommend it for years to come.

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Thought everyone might like this just for fun!


very season 1 superfriends


@AntLeon I honestly would love to see this made it would be awesome. #RIPSMC (SaturdayMorningCartoons)


Wendy and Marvin have sullied season 1.

I’m just going to leave this here


for those that watch arrowverse shows their on tonight April 21st in their usual time slots ; if missed dont forget to watch on CW App the day after :smile: :mask: :face_with_monocle:


Yep, and we’ll be officially back in business tomorrow night!


they should be waiting in my DVR.


For the record: confirmed.

Question: Will Stargirl be rolled into the schedule?


I decided against it, mainly because there’s already going to be a lot of ongoing community discussions about the new episodes anyway, so it would just feel redundant to add to that. Plus the show’s not even taking place on Earth-Prime, though I won’t be at all surprised if it ends up crossing over w/ the larger Arrowverse at some point


It would need to establish itself first before we can even consider a cross over. So I am hopeful for both a good show as well as the future JL/JSA crossover. in that order.


Hi everyone!
So I started watching Arrow season 1 when season 3 was airing. I didn’t want to spoil myself.
Currently, The Flash is my favorite show. The Flash has been one of my favorite characters so I’m a bit biased.
The Atom and White Canary are my favorites. White Canary is just a strong, awesome, bada$$ character. The Atom is more kind hearted and a bit goofy. Which makes a good balance between them.
I love all the references the Arrowverse makes about all of DCs properties. Especially connect TV and movie universes. Just love how one thing can affect everyone’s world.