Your First Purchase

WOW. That’s a classic AND you got issue 1 of his limited run.

I had a brief experience with flea markets. I was a little kid at the time, saw a VHS of Batman Returns displayed on someone’s carpet, and told my dad to get it for me lol.


Yeah. I got it for .75 than sold it to a friend for $8 my freshman year. I’m still not over it. It was the best looking comic I’ve seen since. As far as brightness & colors. I had to squint to read it cuz it was so vivid.

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Back in middle school a friend gave me a Sonic the hedgehog comic. I stopped reading a few years later after they removed some characters due to legal things. Think they canceled the series recently…


Sonic’s st IDW now. Ian Flynn (the second writer) is still the writer. The first writer kept suing because they kept using characters that he created. So, they rebooted.

My son’s a huge fan, so I know these things…


@JulianPope When I was a kid my Mom would shop at a grocery store, Giants, and she would routinely allow me to get a comic book from the spinner rack. What they were, I can’t remember.

But the first comic book I remember buying myself with my own money is…
…This is the one that started all for me. I bought it from an open air newspaper stand. I still have it!!!


I had some Spider-Man comics from when I was younger, but the first comic book I purchased myself was in a school bookfair. It was a black and white New Teen Titans book from Tor books which publishes Collects DC Comics Presents #26 and New Teen Titans #1-3. The only catch is that it was cut up to fit the pages of the book. 51l8-U69XbL.SX248_BO1,204,203,200

That led me to go search out Teen Titans on the spinner rack at the grocery store, so NTT 37 was the first issue of a comic that I bought:


I thought it was the coolest thing


I remember being 13 and buying a large box full of Archie comics. I have fond memories of sitting home on a weekend lying in bed just binge reading comics.

First ever comic

First DC comic ever

I would have to look up the issue number, but the first comic I picked myself was the first monthly issue of Justice League of America that featured JL Detroi (not the Annual which was their first appearance). It had Vibe on the cover.