Your Dream Comic to Movie Adaptation

Just read Long Halloween, it would make a great adaption. Hush would be a solid choice too

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Animated movie of Kingdom Come, and just like how the Batman/Superman movie mimicked Mcguinnes and Turnerā€™s art, find a way to mimic Alex Ross art and style for the movie

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Live-action Dark Knight Returns with Michael Keaton or Clint Eastwood as Batman and Mark Hamill as the Joker. Jude Law as Superman.

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Dark Knights Metal for sure!

I wonder if anyone has talked about a Booster Gold movie? There would be an audience for that, I think.

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The Question

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Blackest Night!!! :star_struck::heart_eyes::black_heart:

Iā€™d love to see the Batman films adapt Red Hood & Hush, especially with them having an older Batman. Imagine a trilogy where we see Bruce deal with the consequences of his life as a vigilante (something I think Snyder was trying to do). If I was doing the trilogy Iā€™d make sure to have each film showing these consequences & how he deals with it. Hush would be the first character, using flashbacks to show Bruceā€™s connection with Tommy/Hush, with hints at an ally returning throughout. In the 2nd film weā€™d introduce Talia & Damian, with Batman now dealing with that history & flashbacks to both Dick Grayson & Jason Todd. The 3rd film would bring Red Hood in as he now believes Batman let him die to replace him (with Damian). Nightwing would be there as well and by the end set it up that Dick takes over as Batman, with Bruce as a sort of mentor only coming in when its absolutely necessary. Of course Batgirl would be in the series as well, but as Oracle & Iā€™d try to set it up for another writer/director to tackle with Birds of Prey.

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Clean Room from Vertigo could be an insanely good series.
How about The Authority? I know itā€™s an oh-so-edgy comic from a certain era, but nothing they talked about has stopped being relevant.
The Wake, by Scott Snyder could be a long movie or a short series. But thatā€™s an amazingly creative story that people would love. Seeing that realized on-screen would be incredible.

Geoff Stults would make an excellent Booster Gold or Hal Jordan. Jim Carrey would be the perfect Plastic Man.

Blackest night would be an incredible green lantern movie

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Batgirl/Robin: Year One. That book is one of my favorites, and does everything I think the superhero ā€œgenreā€ needs to do on film right now. Itā€™s about interpersonal, moral, and internal conflicts more than any one ā€œhero vs villainā€ type of plot, it operates in an established universe rather than feeling the need to over-introduce everyone and everything, and it confronts the average criticisms of its world rather than just avoiding them.

Identity Crisis would also be fantastic, if they could make it all work in a single 2-hour movie. Nobody humanizes the DC universe quite like Brad Meltzer.

If the DCEU gets rebooted, I think the best way to kick it off is with an adaptation of Max Landisā€™s Superman: American Alien. No other Superman origin book Iā€™ve read both strips him down to the purest form like that or lays the foundations of a greater, fully-in-motion DC universe - plus, the potential to replicate the bookā€™s ā€œdifferent artist every issueā€ idea by letting each chapter of this movie be handled by a different director would be fascinating. It might work better as a very expensive tv miniseries, though - although what comic wouldnā€™t? Either way, itā€™s unlikely itā€™ll ever happen, since Landis turned out to be a creep shortly before disappearing off the face of the earth.

Blackest Night would be amazing on the big screen. Also a Firestorm movie would be real special effects blockbuster!

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Death of the Family or Superman Red Son would be great, but what Iā€™d really like to see is Batman: White Knight!

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A properly done Absolute Superman: For Tomorrow and Court of Owls would be something i would really like to see.

Salvation Run - just villains, no heroes

Superman Godfall!!!

Kingdom Come would be amazing.

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