Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: The Chauvinist
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #95 (1995)
Creators: William Messner Loebs and Mike Deodato
Abilities: Super strength. Invulnerability. Impressive acting skills.

Backstory: Based out of Yorba Linda, California. William ‘Bill’ Baker was your run of the mill struggling actor trying to make his name in Hollywood. That big break would come when himself and several other hopefuls were contacted by ‘Meta Promotions’ a talent agency that specialized in metahuman publicity.

They were hired by White Magician to create some new metahuman talent and when William Baker proved himself in auditions, he would be granted magically imbued muscle, size, strength and invulnerability which he would be permanent.

Told that he was to play the part of ‘The Chauvinist’ a villainous hater of women who would attack Rec centers with an army of abusive husbands, he would be directed to ham it up for the hidden cameras and warned not to talk to the actress playing Wonder Woman out of character because she was ‘method’

Thus William Baker would go along with the villainy. Unaware that the victims were real, the attacks not faked, and that he was an unwitting villain. Able to finally make it big in Hollywood with his new look and dark rep, landing him a spot on Melrose Place and the lead role in ‘Dawn of the Dragon Killer’

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