Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Mirage Maker
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #76 (1955)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and H.G Peter
Abilities: Commands a small gang of criminals. Possesses a mechanical illusion ray which can alter peoples perceptions. Possesses wrist communicator which allows him to keep in touch with his gang.

Backstory: Criminal gangster with a penchant for robbing banks. The Mirage Maker after repeated failures to steal stuff thanks to Wonder Woman, would make the effort to aquire a ‘Mirage Ray’ a device which relying on line of sight, would allow him to project images into the mind of the target.

Thus so long as he pointed the ray at the victim, they would see bank robbers in place of regular citizens. Tanks in place of cars. He could make Wonder Woman go after innocent people while his gangsters casually walked in and out of banks with bags of money since there exists no means of stopping criminals in all the world save for Wonder Woman so long as he kept his ray trained on her during a heist.

Additional images:

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