Who Would Win? Flash vs. Flash

My answer is completely biased. As much as I like Barry, Wally was the first Flash I was introduced to ( via Justice League cartoon, even though he mixes both Wally and Barry) so my vote goes to my boy, Wally.


Wally is more powerful and more in time with the Speed Force. In a no hope barred battle, I think he would take it. It would be close, but it would still be Wally standing in the end.


Barry is smarter And is a fowding member of the Justice league


Some more awesome points have been made for both of these speedsters, but the poll is still SO close! :open_mouth: This is a real nail biter!


Went with West especially now that hes energized by the multiverse, I do love how Allan can think superfast has all them speed tricks in his pocket But Barry even says it himself Wallys a true Flash I think he’d get the win.

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I’ll concede Wally is faster. But Barry has more experience and has come back from death. Barry by a hair.

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Wally would win. He’s beaten being written out of continuity. Not to mention these days he’s pretty much a God.


Wally would definitely win out of him and Barry. He’s the most broken Flash and has way more experience with the speed force than Barry. Wally knocked out Thawne with one punch in a picosecond in Flash Vol 2 147, evacuated a Korean city in.00001 microseconds in JLA 89, tuned on every radio on the planet in a septosecond in Flash The Human Race and that’s not even all of his most broken feats. In Flash Rebirth when Barry was struggling trying to enter the speed force, Wally easily pushed both of them in so that should tell you how different of a level Wally is than Barry. In Flash War from 2018 we also once again see just how more powerful Wally is compared to Barry, and is goes as far to Flash Forward as they dub him the fastest in all the multiverses. With a mainline connection to the speed force that allows him to not be removed from the source, it also grants him deadly abilities such as stealing speed and we know how broken that is for Wally as he easily made Interia a living statue in All Flash(2007). So yea Wally is destroying Barry in a fight. The fact that Wally was able to one shot Thawne, who’s known for giving Barry so much trouble and even beating him at times in a picosecond should already let y’all know who’s winning and it’s definitely Wally.


Wally is indeed the fastest man ever but the question is who would win a fight. Wally trained with Barry and Dick and the rest of the Titans regularly. Supervised by the Batman. Barry never had that kind of training.
The only advantage that Barry has is Wally worships him and might pull his punches.
WALLY wins in my book!!


Earth 1 is beginning to shatter! There have been too many Flashpoints! Logic and Physics are out the window, literally how could this be? This is THEE FLASH we are talking about! A true paradox of opinion and no imagination. In that case. Impulse could kick both of their respective butt’s. How you ask? Easy! He is “Crash” and he would just keep coming back over and over and over until he wins! There, I said it! Impulse could take both of them! :rofl: :smiling_imp: :sunglasses:

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Wally West-so fast he made it back from the Speed Force long before Barry could.

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I like both characters but I’d say Wally, people may argue that Barry is more experience but Wally was the Flash for just as long as Barry before the reboot. And one of the main reasons people like Barry is because of his backstroy which was retconned after they brought him back to life. I actually like this backstory for him but I still believe that Wally has surpassed his mentor in terms of speed


It’s WALLY! Even Barry admitted after Rebirth which would hold up in the current continuity that Wally is “The Fastest Man Alive!”… from Barry’s mouth to us soooo yeah! :joy: if it’s a brawl we talkin? Who knows? Lol … but Wally spent ALOT of years Chillin with a certain TITAN that is one of THE BEST fighters in the the DCU :joy:


The fan argument on Superman v. Batman will always go on, but if it were not for plot armor you have an overpowered god vs. a heavily trained athlete/detective. Batman gets burned to a crisp from orbit or Superman goes back in time and saves his parents or kills his parents before he’s conceived or injects him with a polio (there’s a fan comic somewhere) or kills him in a million other ways if it ever came to it. Of course, someone will argue that Superman would never do that, and there’s some truth to that in discussing the character—but on ability? Batman dies, every time. And as far as intellect, Karl-El is the son of two of the greatest minds from one of the most advanced races in the universe.

Of course, we know it ultimately comes down to who’s writing the comic this week.

On the Flash, I’m with you.

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Yeah, the cosmic reboot stories are way out of hand. Comics have always been out there in terms of the fantasy, but there was some limit once. Now, everything is basically mythology with it all coming down to “gods did it”.


Jay Garrick was first.

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I’d go off of the comics which means that Wally would win against Barry but it really all comes down to what continuity you’re thinking of or referencing. Barry being smarter doesn’t really have anything to do with who’d beat who if they raced.


Wally was the greatest Flash of all time. He discovered the Speed Force and made all the advancements with his speed powers. Not only that, but he also reached a place in his career and personal life where he was happy. And then they brought back Barry. It was a great moment in comics, but Barry served the story better by being a goal to reach for Wally. No matter how much he surpassed Barry, he always looked to him as an example. Even seeing him join the JLA, having doubt, but becoming a valued and respected member was awesome to see. But bringing Barry back and giving him the spotlight took away all the hard work of countless writers and artists and left Wally in the rear view mirror. Wally will always be my Flash and the greatest and fastest man alive. Barry is just the guy who took Wally’s thunder away. Nuff said.


My vote is for wally. I think his skills will get him the win.


I have lost all hope…RIP Barry we love you…