Who Would Win? Flash vs. Flash

Not gonna lie, majority of my knowledge of these characters comes from the Arrowverse. So with those versions of the characters in mind, I voted Barry.


Wally eventually becomes faster than Barry in the comics though I don’t know if that’s still canon

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Barry but only if forced to pick one, might end up a tie.


I chose Barry. I tend to think of the two of them back before Crisis though, I’m old school :slight_smile: Back then Barry was the fastest. Then Barry died. He was gone for more than 20 years. I don’t believe any major superhero stayed dead that long. I know hes back now but to me its not the same Barry. So in my mind I kinda have to go back to the 80’s when they were both alive. In the original versions of themselves, Barry was faster.


That’s truly one of the toughest battles to determine. Wally is more spiritually attuned to the Speed Force, and Barry understands the science of it more.

So Wally can do more with it from a more raw perspective, and Barry can do more from a technical standpoint.

Emotion can be a very powerful ally for Wally as he has a better spiritual connection with the Speed force.

The science of it all can allow Barry to use the power in a way Wally wouldn’t be able to conceive. But the same can be said of Wally’s emotional connection; Barry wouldn’t think of some of Wally’s ways of using the sped force.

In the end I went with Barry. Barry could overthink the science, but Wally could over emote with the Speed Force. In combat, over emotion could cause wild, reckless, and sloppy attacks. I’ve seen it first hand in the Marines and in the boxing ring. Ultimately, I feel as though Barry being a more level headed scientist, and understanding the power more from a technical standpoint, wins it out for him, despite Wally being faster. That said, It’s probably 50-50 if they fight 10 times, and the outcome depends greatly on what they are fighting over, given their respective advantages within the speed force​:four_leaf_clover:


That has changed over time. In the past few years, KidFlash never closes in on Flash.


exactly, My point!


no, it really isn’t. everything pre crisis has Barry faster! So, if Barry is back, it is pre-crisis and Kid Flash is still Kid Flash and he retires before Barry. Blame the writers. But if Barry does not die, Kid Flash never becomes Flash and therefore Wally could never beat Barry up. He could not even catch him to do so. Period. The question would need to be more specific to be answered correctly. I guess Flash v Flash supposes that they are both Flashes from respective periods, but still. Barry would find a way to win, he always does.


An illustration post crisis and pre Barry coming back does not really prove anything, Kid Flash is always in Barry’s shadow, more so today than ever. Basically- Kid Flash is lost to the speed force today, Barry has to save him. Your evidence is outdated. :laughing:


Especially if folks have not seen Apokolyps War! Spoiler! … Wont do it here! But Barry is the man!


My answer is purely based on emotional ties from childhood…



Yeah…agree. Why is that?


I would say Barry! But I’m really torn on this subject! There’s things Wally can do, man! I get that Barry is the fleet feet that turns the engine that is the speed force but Wally understands it in ways Barry doesn’t! If it’s a race? Barry! If it’s a fight? Wally! When it comes to…
“Throwing them hands”, Wally knows things Barry doesn’t! Hahahaha! Besides all Barry has to do is tell Wally he saw his kids off somewhere and Wally will just lose it! Great question! And I have no definitive answer! Hahahaha!


I forgot to mention one thing though… Barry is the man!


Barry is my favorite but Wally is just too fast. Plus his understanding of the speed force has got to give him some serious advantages.


Key is “was”, Now that Barry is back, Kid Flash never becomes Flash and is lost to the speed force.


The thing that really ticks me off about that poster is that the Barry Allen blurb has nothing to do with the topic. It’s just someone waxing Jim Lee’s Car about his artwork and designs. It says nothing about Barry’s speed and they’ve never corrected it to show what should have been put there!

As to the subject at hand, between the two of them my money will always be on Wally West. Nothing against Barry (Wally himself is Barry’s biggest fan) but Wally has been the Fastest Man alive ever since He overcame his fear of replacing Barry and beat Thawne one on one. (The Return of Barry Allen) and he’s only gotten faster since then.


@BestBeastBoy Thought about my reply. My intent was not to flame you. I think that my perception is part of a broader discussion and not leveled personally at you. Such as why there is frequently exclusion in conversations. To the extent that it’s not even realized. Such as, I didn’t even catch it until Coville pointed it out.


Well I would say Wally has more experience than Berry when it comes to fighting. He has been doing it since he was a kid. Wally has a much better understanding of the speed force than Berry does. Berry seems to still be learning some of the speed force tricks Wally has already learned.

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Man! look at the poll! Its still neck and neck!!! Just goes to show you how evenly matched they are in our minds.

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