Who Would Win? Catwoman vs. Batman

An argument between Batman and Catwoman…Catwoman always wins cause of feminine feline logic, and well Catwoman has beaten Batman in The Batman cartoon using environmental combat and knocking batman out by slamming him into a water tower. however, batman, it’s really hard to beat batman twice. however, it needs to be said as of new 52 a lot of the time their fights end with a ‘happy ending’ instead of a decisive victory on eather side.

Well, it depends on if they are “making out” on a rooftop somewhere. :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Unfortunately, the simple truth is that Catwoman isn’t strong enough. Not that she is weak, but compare the two:

Batman: 6’2", 210 lbs, muscular. Trained by his world’s most esteemed martial artists. A repertoire of nonlethal, yet painful, weaponry.

Catwoman: 5’7", 125 lbs, slender. A self-trained thief, as well as a gymnast. Has odds and ends as weapons

By simply analyzing the combat capabilities we see that Batman has the upper hand (literally)

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Can we both admit, tho, that Batman is still a very skilled martial artist? I’m not saying that size is everything. I’m simply saying that you have to allow for all factors. If they are both skilled in a more gymnastic technique, then you have to bring in things like simple brutality. Which is where Bman wins.


I think Batman is definitely a very skilled martial artist! He can certainly take names, that’s for sure!

Also, I see you are new to the community, welcome!! Hope to see you around, these forums are a home for all who wish to chat and share their love of DC, or anything :slight_smile: !


Thank you for the welcome!!!

I did find the gif hilarious!


I’m always a fan of epic takedowns, it makes me wish I had martial arts powers. Maybe one of these days.

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You can always start now:

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I am a big fan of both of these guys, I pay for their comics and they’re my favorite DC couple. They are the two best strategists in the DC universe. However, in a straight-up fight to the death with attraction and emotion out of the equation, Batman would win but bleed out a few minutes later. But that the fanboy in me, really I think these two would MAD each other.

Batman unless he marries Selina.

Cause she’s gonna win the divorce!

Wow 114 voters so far…. Well done @BestBeastBoy :+1: :sunglasses: