Who Would Win? Catwoman vs. Batman

You know many prostitutes? I’ll concede that in our land of make believe catwoman is good at heart and that Batman’s no kill policy makes for great ongoing storytelling with the same villains.

I’ll say this…a prostitute and a professional burglar is a lot more likely to kill her lover than an unofficial cop like Batman. I don’t care if she does a lot of good as well.

If I don’t like something you have to say I’ll just ignore it. I won’t try to give you a lecture.

I’d expect a self-appointed “unofficial cop” to be quite murderous in his own right. Especially an American one. :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you referring to her first mini series where Stan fell to his death? That was an accident he tripped off his shoelaces. The only time Selina killed was in an issue of brave and the bold in the silver age which is now considered out of continuity and when she killed Black Mask after he murdered her sister’s husband and tortured his sister and wouldn’t stop terrorizing her and her loved ones.

No, I’m talking about the earlier Mindy Newell story that got her the job of writing that miniseries. Catwoman stole something from a museum (as she is prone to do) and then gifted it to Holly to keep it safe. Holly’s husband realizes its worth and runs off with it, setting up Holly to die in a house explosion. Selina goes to confront him, and after he tries to push her out a window in his hotel room, she kills the hotel security guards to frame him for murder.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’m not a police officer myself. Ive had experience with American police as a young troublemaker and lately as a concerned citizen. You could argue that my sample size is too small, but the American police I know are some of the best human beings I’ve ever met. I’m willing to bet that’s the case most of the time. We just focus on the few bad eggs. We meaning the media.

I’d like to see what having an American “unofficial cop “would look like in real life.

But this is Batman we’re talking about! Honestly from what I’ve seen your opinion on who would win in any Batman fight is a lot more of an educated guess than mine. Meaning you’re the bat expert not me

Like George Zimmerman.

Anyway, let’s not wander off topic. Batman would win if Catwoman let him. Catwoman would win if Batman let her.

I’m not taking that bait

That’s a succinct way to put it! And agreed, let’s keep it to our Cat vs. Bat conundrum!


Obviously it would be secret option number 3: they would kiss.


If they did get married, catwoman could definitely win. She’d break his will the way Bane broke his back. she knows more about manipulating men than she knows about combat. Many of you have said it yourself, she’s been doing it to bats for years. If they were married, she could work on him nonstop. There’s more than one way to lose a fight. I think the closer the two of them are at the time, the better her chances.

George Zimmerman would best catwoman. He’d catch her robbing something and gun her down point blank. I was trying to stay on topic but @AlexanderKnox brought him up so…

Catwoman is definitely more willing to fight unfairly. I think that would give her an edge.

Batman definitely now he would definitely hold back to give Catwoman a chance to surrender!

Catwoman would just find a way to distract Bruce, and that’s how she’d manage to pull off a win.

Is this a question? Batman wins, because he’s Batman.

Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate. They fight TWICE in that game, and Batman beats her both times.

After seeing this post, I chuckled and I am glad to see by the results that the DC Community is on the same page.

The Batman wins the physical fight, but after he turns a cuffed Selina over to Comm. Gordon he might return to the cave and never leave its clammy confines again.

I don’t think this is close, Batman wins

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I don’t know, It seems she’s always been able to find ways to distract Batman