Who is Your Favorite DC Character? And Why?

Superman because that’s what I grew up with and I love everything he stands for. I know he can be a little op sometimes but when he’s written well he’s the best

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I have to say Shazam (the original Capt. Marvel). I enjoyed his comics as a kid. I too wish they would do more him.

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Batman; he went from a tragic childhood, through rough years of finding his path, to his living a life to make the world better. I relate to that pattern… minus the billions of dollars.


Red Hood is my favorite. Saw the animated Under The Red Hood movie when it was on Netflix and have been a fan since then.

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Harley Quinn- she shows that women can be all they want to be they can be smart they can be funny and making you kick ass and look good doing it.

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John Constantine.

I’ve always liked anti-heroes and when I was a kid I thought the Hellblazer comics we’re so cool when I first started reading them.

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Superman. Even though I’m a Marvel fan, I’m grateful for leading the way for Superheroes. Also, he’s been there for me in the hardest of times. He is the true symbol of hope and inspiration.

Superman, I been his fan as long as I can remember!

Nightwing and Flash(Barry)

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Hands down Batman. Close second would have to be a tie. Red Hood, Swamp Thing, John Constantine. Love the fact that Batman does not kill. Even if a Robin gets beaten to death buy a crowbar. Constantine cuz he’ll do what he has to. Entity of the green is just an interesting story. Red Hood went into a Lazarus Pit came out batshit crazy, fought Batman and lived to tell the tale.



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Barry Allen. He ushered in the Silver Age. He has the best rogues gallery. He made the ultimate sacrifice and was dead for decades. Barry Allen is everything a hero should be.


Superman. I grew up watching Super Friends, the old 50s tv show and the old Max Fletcher cartoons. Then as I got older I would pick up the comics.

Funny story, around 2005-2006 my friend and I were hanging out one day and I pulled into a comic shop. The only reason was to pick up the Death of Superman trades. Next thing I know, we were at that comic shop every week for many years. Well, I moved to another state and havent been collecting like I was but this app has reminded me why I loved comics in the first place.


It is nearly a tie between Superman and the Flash. I was originally a big Superman fan from childhood, but as I found out more about the Flash, he RACED into the lead. However lately, I’ve been leaning back to Superman. My favorite DC superhero series or movie is Smallville, hands down. I am also excited about Krypton. Hats off to Cameron Cuffe. He and Wallis Day make a SUPER couple!


Raven! I like her story and connection to Trigon… not to mention the other Titans! Her abilities are pretty cool too, she can fly, she’s an empath and can use astral projection. All that awesome stuff


Hate to tell you Yohnny but in Death of the Family Part 4, Batman clearly does kill and he kind of tries to kill Joker. His actions clearly crash the helicopter killing the henchmen and then his narration basically wishes Joker died, but he knows that won’t happen.

Back to topic, Ultra Boy is my favorite.

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Gotta go with Hal Jordan. His power seems simple from the outside, but overcoming fear and willing something into existence is pretty amazing.


My favorite is Conner Kent Superboy. He’s really relatable and his modern t shirt costume is simple but cool. Also his relationship with Wonder Girl is one of my favorites in comics because we actually get to see it grow throughout Young Justice and Teen Titans. Unfortunately the New 52 changed a lot of the things I like about him, but he’s finally coming back to comics soon


Just like Billy Batson, I was and am still a huge fan of Superman! But since I learned about Billy being chosen to be hold the powers of the gods. I knew I resembled more of Billy than Clark. I’m a “boyscout” like Clark, but at heart I’m still a kid like Billy plus Billy has Greek god powers and I’m a mythological buff. So Billy “Shazam” Batson is my favorite character!


Batman was always my favourite growing up. Slowly Nightwing started to take over as I got more into the comics and the other media pieces beside just the straightforward Batman movies. Currently though my favourite has been Green Lantern. I feel like GL is madly underrated and judged just based on Reynolds portrayal but his own animated movies and his involvement, though usually small, in the bigger JL movies are amazing.