Who is Your All-Time Favorite Robin?

Dick Grayson because he is the first Robin

Tim Drake!! No contest for me.

Dick Grayson. Nightwing. However, in the Robin identity, it would be Tim Drake.

Pre 52 Tim Drake, hands down.

Jason, is by far my favorite. Damien I’ve always felt was a rip off. Dick, is amazing as Nightwing. And I’d say I’m alright with Tim because he’s best friend’s with my second favorite DC character, Superboy (Kon-El).

I am probably the lone voice on this but: Stephanie Brown (who is also my favorite Batgirl).

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I love all of my Robins equally XD. I’m liking all these Tim Drake respect comments! #LoveForTimmy

Does anyone remember Carrie Kelley? Also, Tobias-RCO2, Steph is awesome

Carrie is imitates Liam Neeson “a legend.”

Tim is crash.

Damian Wayne is my favorite Robin


Jason Todd

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Tim Drake

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Damian Wayne & Grayson close enough to say tie


Robin Williams

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Damian definitely best, you can totes see both dad and grandpa in him!! Love Dick as Nightwing, such a cutie!!!


Grayson and Damien. Jason Todd rivals Damien for best personality of a Robin though.



  1. Dick Grayson
  2. Tim Drake
  3. Carrie Kelly
  4. Jason Todd
  5. Tom Wayne (Robin 3000)
  6. Stephanie Brown
  7. Bruce Wayne Jr. (Generations)
  8. Damien
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Jason, since his story line is so emotional and totally dragged me into this superhero thing. prior to under the red hood I’ve never tried super hero stories since they seems to me all the same , telling stories about saving the day and winnning the girl. Kickass(the movie) was quite interesting while they made jokes about that. :slight_smile:

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Damian is my favorite, with Tim being my 2nd favorite.

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Dick Grayson is one of my favorite characters, so my default answer would be him. However, if we’re talking roles, then with Dick as Nightwing (or especially Batman), Damian becomes my favorite Robin. I loved the Batman and Robin dynamic between Dick and Damian.