Which Villains Should Be Featured in Doom Patrol?

You mean it’s not the huge rat or the roach!?

The Brain and Monsieur Mallah

I have said this before: Mr. Nobody 2.0, a little less malevolent, a whole lot crazier, the guy who assembled the Brotherhood of Dada.

After all, after quite a long time trapped in the White Space, he’s bound to be traumatized, and just go even more Bat-$#it crazier than ever.

Besides, I WANT MORE ALAN TUDYK! He did say that, if his busy schedule allows, he’d love to play Nobody again.

Of course, the new season is possibly wrapping up by now. At least I’ve been able to express this, not for the first time. Waiting with bated breath for the next series!

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The creature summoned by Dorothy and her mother looked like a first cousin to the Candlemaker, so the Candlemaker is probably on his way.

I hope Mr. Nobody returns and assembles the Brotherhood of Dada version 2.0 with Beardhunter in the group, and then since the show will air in 2020 he has to run for president.

Red Jack could still be used, and we haven’t yet seen a threatening or terrifying version of the men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

What about the Brain and the Brotherhood of Evil

Dr. Doom is Marvel and Joker is a Batman villain