When It's A Good Time To Bow Out Of New Titles

There’s always digital.

• Available the same day as print (cheaper too, if you’re a Comixology Unlimited member).

• Nothing is shorted, mis-pulled, delivered late and/or sells out.

• No condition issues to worry about.

• Takes up zero physical storage space.

• You can get your books whenever you want, and bypass shortsighted retailers while also bypassing inconvenient, time-consuming trips.

• You don’t have to wait half a year for the books you really want to read to show up here.

A dedication to print is fine and good, but why deprive yourself of the titles you really want, when they’re immediately available to you on their day of release and at whatever time works for you via digital?


Ive done both Digital and print but most of my digital is Graphic Novels when they go on sale. There are just some I would like in print. A few examples being the two titles mentioned in my last post and my Star Wars and Star Trek comics. Its a great suggestion but i havent fully went to digital. Maybe I’m too old school to change my ways. Lol


As a relatively new comic reader (less than 3 years seriously reading) I do prefer physical copies.


To be fair, those of us who choose to subscribe to DCUI probably aren’t necessarily opposed to digital, though I believe that physical comics are a bigger part of the market share, and thus paradoxically both more important and less impacted by our individual choices. So…I just buy the ones I really want to see more of. :slight_smile:


I just didn’t want @willeagle23.70656 to miss out on the comics that are must-reads for them, when, thanks to digital, they can get what they want when they want, easy-peasy.

SN: The smell of new comics=bliss.

is ardently enthusuastic about huffing new comics on Tuesday


I haven’t bought a new DC floppy since the new52 debuted and I had been reading since the very early 80’s. Though I have picked up a back issues of books from bargain boxes and discount trades.

Nothing from the 52 remotely interested me, rebirth seemed like something I would enjoy (which I have with what I have read in trades) but not enough to justify buying them monthly.

On a side note, I am so glad to have finally found out about DCU infinite. As a long time Marvel Unlimited subscriber, I had always wanted something similar for DC, no idea how this flew under my radar for so long.

Now I just need to figure out what to read first.


Go with the staff picks.


Or go with any of these events.


Pick a movie or show you like and go to the source material. If you do not like it then move on.


Good advice rata alada. :bat::+1:t3:


For rebirth

My favorites were

2016 DC Universe Rebirth 1 Geoff Johns Reboot of Universe to restablish old relatioships and revive legacy characters like Wally West, the Flash for several decades and Kid Flash before that.

2016 Wonder Woman Year One. Issues 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Rucka Scott

2016 Detective Comics Rebirth Tynion IV. Batman Batwoman Tim Drake Cassandra Cain Stephanine Brown Clayface.

2016 Green Lanterns Rebrth Sam Humpries Jessica Cruz Simon Baz are rookie Green Lanterns.


Good thoughts! My own favorites in Rebirth included Wonder Woman by Rucka (issues 1-25), Detective Comics by Tynion (issues 934-981), and Deathstroke by Priest (50 issue run). A lot of other great titles, too!


I will admit, I haven’t read through this entire thread (good god), but in a lot of them I have read, there’s a general antipathy (or at least reticence) about what may come together as a post “Death of the Justice League” Justice League. It’s DC: there will always be a Justice League of some manner.

The concern seems to be - as I gather it - what characters will comprise that team, with all the biggies (Supes, WW, Bats, Flash, GL, etc) out of the picture (what such a thing means to their individual books, I’m not going to speculate, since nobody but the folks at DC know what’s happening for sure).

Just remember folks, back a while ago, there was a book simply called “52.” It was all secondary and tertiary characters. I don’t remember the premise anymore as to why the Big Guns were absent, but it proves that a coherent, interesting book can be written about the “nobodies.”

Besides, as ever, the Justice League as we know it won’t be gone forever. We all know that.


You have a good point, but I think the problem is that DC is focusing on what we won’t have, not what we will have. I get that it’s for spoiler purposes, but I think more spoilers would be better to build more positive hype, rather than the “we don’t know, and we don’t like what we do know” hype it currently seems to be getting.


What, you mean like the people who wrote off the Justice League movie two years before it was released?


Er…which one tho :wink:


this is something that I am putting way too much thought into. For me to drop a series i have to lose interest in the title character.


I don’t normally pay a lot of attention to such things, but I was mainly talking about the “original” theatrical version.

Although there were plenty of people who b**ched about the Snyder before it was released too…


I mean, I quite honestly and sincerely love the Whedon cut. But I think that most people would say that people were right to write off the Justice League film in 2015, so I’m not quite sure what point is being made?


I drop a comic that generates no feelings at all…I will keep reading something if it is interesting even if I hate it (got to see where that train wreck is going). Change is hard, and it takes a while to get back into a comic if there is a sudden shift. But sometimes it brings nice surprises. I’m thinking of the 52 series…a major shift, but some great stories. I didn’t like Bendis on Superman too much, but man, he would throw in some things that would keep me reading (like Lois having to deal with everyone thinking she was having an affair with Superman…I thought that was brilliant, and it added a lot of tension as their relationship seemed a little off due to Lois’ behavior…I still think he was going to go somewhere with that, but it got shut down).
I am waiting for Death of the Justice League…I am hoping some really good stories get spun off of it. Maybe some new beloved characters (like, for me, when Renee Montoya became the Question)…it might be a dud…but nothing ventured nothing gained…and this is the comics. You know they will all come back eventually.
Just, please, DC…after this Crisis…no more!! For at least 10 years. Please.