When It's A Good Time To Bow Out Of New Titles


Nice Reasoned Analysis
Portfolio Analysis
Historical Trends

I do think that
DC is putting
Some effort in their other books

Wally West Flash and Nightwing for example
Are very good now
After starting off
Not as good
(The material in our library so far is inferior to the current issues)


That’s a tough question, as it is really more about you as an individual than the books themselves. In no real order here are the factors, I consider.

  1. My Budget
  2. Other titles, I want to read instead
  3. The main one, when I start to skim the Comic instead of read it, that’s a sign to me that I’ve lost interest in the story, character and/or art, if I do it for a few issues, then I normally stop reading.
  4. The time I have to read them.
  5. Would I prefer other media choices instead.
  6. If I would read it again.
  7. If I want to talk about it to my friends.

I really, really love Perch’s analysis. He’s so thoughtful. And also funny. :slight_smile:


I totally agree with this and also why I’m excited about DC’s ‘directionless-direction’. While it may not seem organized, I think even when DC pulls things like the death of Justice League and then replaces them with all the next gen guys, it doesn’t close the door on the old timers.

They can still launch new titles with the old guys and really just tell any story at any time, in any world. And I’m all for that. I might not read the other titles but there’s always a legitimate room for other versions to exist.

That’s always been my favorite thing about DC’s recent editorial direction. I don’t really like aging up Jon so drastically since I really, really liked young Jon growing up in Smallville. But then I actually dig older Jon with the Legion. So it’s like I’m having my cake and eating it too…


@superby1 I think my gauge for bailing out on a title is usually within an arc. I usually can get a feeling that I’m not enjoying something within an issue. Since most stories nowadays are grouped in arcs, I usually read through until the end of one. If by the end of that arc I’m not really liking it, I bail out.

There are many other titles out there so I use that time to find something new (and this is the really fun part I have with DCUniverse). I just pick something new and start judging it within the first issue. I like catching up on storylines from the past that I missed and there’s a wealth of it on DCUniverse.

My tastes have changed since I was a kid and now I find my favorite DC titles are the Black Label ones and the Earth One titles. I think it’s a combination of creative teams getting a lot of freedom as well as the story is usually self contained within it’s own universe.

In response to your Bendis Superman, it’s not a bad run. It’s got the Bendis voice so that takes some time to get used to and to be honest his Man of Steel mini was not exciting (other than the art teams were great!). His Superman and Action comics titles AFTER that mini are a little better. He has a few good stories in there and also leading into Leviathan (which was entertaining but not mind blowing). Even his Superman identity reveal while I was skeptical, he actually puts it together well and you can understand why it went that way.

All that said? I feel like his Legion work is actually what he really was into. I feel like his Superman stuff was setup to get to the Legion stuff. His Justice League first issue felt very mediocre, so I bailed out of that on the first issue right away.

I sound like a shill, but since I have the DCUniverse subscription, I don’t feel I am ever lacking in titles to read!


Agreed on both points here. :+1:

I am as well, but I’m having some issues with B’Man '89- I’m sooo very happy that it’s been published but the storyline at times has been a bit sluggish and hard to commit to. I have no plans to quit it of course but Hamm’s work here needs a bit more spark in its final presentation. Supes ‘78 however is a solid story and I really dig the whole ‘what if’ idea of Christopher Reeves’ version of the character doing battle with Brainiac. This concept really lends itself well to a feature film script, one that would’ve been especially amazing for Superman 3.

So glad you brought up this point @TurokSonOfStone1950. I’m feeling a bit of B’Man fatigue myself.


I have to agree with you on myself 89. The third issue was good, but that has been it. 1/4 is not a good record, and evidence that was just a fluke. The long wait since a bad issue sure has not helped.


:laughing: :purple_heart:




My Batbooks for the last year have been Bat/Cat, Batman/ Superman, Batman '89, Earth One, Robin & Batman, Legends of the Dark Knight, Batman: The Adventures Continue and Batman & Scooby Mysteries. I should also include Nightwing, Robin, Robins and his various JLA appearances.

2022 is looking much thinner so far, but I’ll pick up World’s Finest, Killing Time and Detective will return to the pull list in April.


Awesome! I think the problem is coming a bit too much from a sense that people “have” to read a book or line, and not enjoying that. I’m so much against people trying to read everything chronologically, or buy everything being published right now - because not everything published, or chronological, is for everyone. Sometimes, it’s written for a different part of the market than your own part. Seek out what you are liking, read it and enjoy it. And if you’re not enjoying it, I urge you with all my heart to find a new thing you DO enjoy!


When it feels like every other book stars or guest stars a character, yes. And Joker fatigue.


On the Bat-fatigue issue, I can agree. I totally get why DC puts Batman in the spotlight: he sells. Non-comics fans are more inclined to buy something with Batman or something tangentially related to Batman than a hero they kind of know but don’t want to take the chance on. And Bat-fans are very loyal, so they’ll do what they can to support any bat-title for as long as possible. You’re fighting an uphill battle not only against editorial and marketing, but also the culture that surrounds it.

But personally, its frustrating to see Batman always get the spotlight. I feel like we still haven’t gotten out of that Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns mindset of Batman always be right or the Grant Morrison Bat-God way of thinking. I have seen some writers get away from that in recent years, but the culture as a whole has this idea that Batman is the best no matter what he does, and any other hero isn’t worth their salt standing next to Bruce. You see a lot of stories catered towards Batman/Bruce Wayne even in team books. Look at Forever Evil: an event that had all of the Justice League missing…except for Batman who had to be front and center with the villains trying to take down the Crime Syndicate. We couldn’t dare bench Batman! Heaven forbid he looks weak. That would hurt sales.

And don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Batman like everyone else. There’s a variety of directions and stories to choose from, and you can’t fault the decision makers because they’re just giving the people what they want, but it is disappointing to see them rest so much on one character when they have a wealth of other characters who can carry the DC banner.


That is exactly what they did. I was the useless teammate who just got pushed around by Lex and the other villains.


Dark Knights Metal/Death Metal. Talk about DC indulging in Batman to the Nth degree. A whole dark multiverse consisting of worlds ruined by versions of Batmen that merged with other characters? I admit to having fun with the series, but it took significant effort to get past the message DC was sending: “Batman good, everything good. Batman bad, everything bad.”. Like at least give us a Wonder Woman Who Lies or Superman Who Cusses… or something :joy:.


I love Batman dearly, especially the Batfamily. But what Snyder seemed to be saying there - “Batman good, everything good. Batman bad, everything bad" - just felt so narrow and frustrating to me.




I could help you out with that latter option. :smiling_imp: :superman_hv_4:


I think “For Want of a Nail” gets into the Superman who Cusses idea.


Ive mentioned on different posts about this but i had to bow out of a few titles when my LCS stopped carrying DC. He stopped when DC switched shippers the 1st time. Even with more changes with comic publishers shipping cost he’s never started to bring them in again. Luckily i can catch some on here eventually. One i really would have liked is Superman '78 and upcoming is World’s Finest. My next closest place is about 35 to 45 minutes away but i just dont go over to the big city very often. So thankfully i can get my Superman fix on here!!