What's the 1st DC Comic you ever purchased?

Lol @RobertDeBeero. Thats hilarious. We need an R rated Lobo to compete with Deadpool. It would be even greater cuz its set in space and could be even more wild than Guardians of the Galaxy. Get James Gunn on it!

I think my first TPB was The Death of Superman. That was the first time I realized if yout paitent you can get an entire saga in one book lol

Geoff John’s Teen Titans #8 was the first comic book I ever picked up. Though Scott Snyder’s New 52 Batman run was the first time I actually subscribed to a comic book. Both writers and series have inspired me in so many ways. It was so awesome to read so much of Geoff John’s run on Titans on DCU.

Bought? The Flash 216, a back issue with a Barry story, a Wally back-up story, and a reprint of Jay. Sheer 8 year-old heaven.

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For me I think it was a flash comic with a 3D cover

Man of Steel Mini Series issue 4 in 1986.

My first was a collection of Batman stories from the 1950s. I later got ones from the '40s and '60s.

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More than likely it was a Batman or Superman comic but I have no clue as to what it would have been. I can say Batman #614 (Hush part 7) is the first comic I bought when I got back into comics and went full DC. Ever since I’ve been hardcore DC. I don’t hate Marvel I just find I don’t care about most Marvel stuff past 96 or 97, I mainly just watch the movies and buy the occasional trade. But I buy something DC every couple of weeks.

Court of owls. I’ve only recently gotten into comics.

Probably not the first comic book I bought, but the one that I started my collection with, was a Action Comics with two Supermen, one flying on each side of a fence, towards a waiting Lois Lane. I would have to look up the issue number, but it was from about 1974. I ended up having to replace that issue at some point though, after a mutt made a nest in my early comic book collection back in 1977, ripping to shreds some of my favorites.

At first, I only collected Superman titles, but then notices other titles and could not resist, like Justice League of America, Batman, and so on. Yeah, I have stated elsewhere that Batman is not on my favorites list, but back then he was. I have collected Batman titles from time to time.


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1979 DC Digest. Only thing I remember was the Superman-Batman team up story in it.

Batman Adventures Vol 1 issue 12, 18, and/or 26 (1993-1994)

Before that I had lots of Archie comics and the little She-Ra ones that came with the toys.

I actually first started reading comics when my father lended me a handful of Green Lantern comics. After that I eventually started to buy my own.