What's New on DC Universe: REIGN OF THE SUPERMEN and More Than 1,000 New Comics!

Adding this many comics alone made me resubscribe. I’ll admit my faith was waning, but not any more. This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you!


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m most excited to read Batman Inc., and Infinite Crisis.

Please continue to delay rotating the titles out for as long as possible (or better yet keep them indefinitely) because it’s gonna take a long time for me to read everything. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, I’m very thankful for all the positive changes this month.

I can confidently recommend this service to any DC fan. Just continue improving the app, and of course keep working on the movies, and tv section. (The New Batman Adventures would be clutch). Thanks again everyone at DCU!


I love the DC universe, keep up the good work guys !!!


Please finish the runs on Teen Titans Year One and New 52 Teen Titans…I have waited weeks to finish them :frowning:

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keep up the great work guys! thank you so much keeping communications up in the threads! its so great to actually know our voices are heard!


Yes finally reign of the supermen following along it would be great to see the adventures of superboy for future reference

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Love the DC Universe. Great job! The request is, would like to see something on the son of Superman maybe an DC short episdoe?

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@AppleJack A nice start if the goal is to keep growing from there to get to Marvel Unlimited levels or more, but this doesn’t sound like a good sign:

“I know that some folks may wish for an ever-expanding library that grows and grows, and the future does not prevent this possibility. But for now, we do have to work within a fixed library count (that was doubled!!).”

So, I realize it doesn’t sound at all likely for the foreseeable future, but is there any more ambiguity you can remove there? Whether this will ever reach truly comprehensive (or at least Marvel Unlimited-level) is the sole determinant for whether I keep subscribing and it would be nice to know either way. Your comment leaves the door open just enough for continued hope and a simple “No” would be much more useful than another few months or years of stringing along.

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You guys are the best! Thank you so much! I’m so pleased, you guys are doing amazing work and I’m continuing to log onto dc universe multiple times a day. All you guys have to do is add the New Batman Adventures aka BTAS volume 4 and Batman and Mr Freeze: Subzero and I will be perfectly content with everything. Pretty please can you add those things. Thank you so much for everything, keep up the good work guys!


@nihilrien.45546, that’s unfortunately as transparent as I can get at this time. We just had a big win, and are back in the laboratory working on our next set of plans. To quote the Wicked Witch of the East, “these things must be done delicately”. :crystal_ball: But we share the same aspirations as our community. I trust that the amount of titles we have will satiate the appetites of our fans until the next development.
A simple “no” is less honest. I don’t see any harm encouraging hope where there’s hope to be had.


Looooove all the new comics

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Considering this whole DC Universe hasn’t reached six months, I think content is moving along nicely. At this point, I think it is unfair to compare it to either MU or ComiXology. While there are holes and problems: the Higher-Ups do seem to be listening. There is a good mix of comics from all eras.


Okay, so idea, but a task filled one. Now that I see Multiversity’s full run is in the library, is it possible to put a working map of the multiverse in the Encyclopedia page? The encyclopedia page is focusing more on characters right now, but would be great if we got something interactive. Like you bring up the page and you can click on the world and get like “characters” or “related stories”. Maybe have a toggle button that could highlight specific features of map. I know its also asking for a lot, but like, maybe you can just go over the death and rebirths of the the multiverse: original multiverse, post-COIE, 52, post-flashpoint, and post convergence. just some pages that explain for new readers or for clarifying for current ones these story concepts.

Dont want to throw so much on your plates. Great job for this great addition to the library! Give yourself a pat on the back and two rounds at the Oblivion Bar!


I thought we were getting Krypton this month too!

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@robbwoo1.69881, we’re looking at Spring for Krypton S1.

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Very much appreciated! All of these are good moves and make the service a better value. I just hope the removals end! I am sure this has been said before, but I would pay an extra add-on fee for more comics. Thank you for the efforts in adding more comics! Keep up the good work.

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If this was the comic selection on launch, I wouldn’t have had any complaints. Suggestions, sure, but not complaints. Looking forward to finally starting some of the Rebirth series. I also just saw the announcement that you’ve extended Checkmate, so I’ll work on those first, thank you for the extension!

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Thank you. Great additions

Can we get a green lantern Corp tv show


Hugely appreciated for the new comics. Can I make a suggestion for the missing issues from Morrison’s Batman run (including Final Crisis) as well as his Animal Man run