What’s the Best DC Animated Show Ever?

Why choose?! These are my favorites and each has a very different style and tone:

:batman_hv_1: Batman The Animated Series
:batman_hv_1: The Batman
:batman_hv_1: Batman: The Brave and The Bold

It’s so awesome to be able to have them all on demand and in one app!

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I see you like Batman :batman_hv_5:

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I’m old school loved the Fleischer’s Superman

What is your favorite DC animated series? Like all time favorite; no matter the time period. Any character is game as long as it’s DC. Mine is the Superman animated series from 1996. That’s just my all time favorite.

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Growing up it was OG Teen Titans. (The modern day Abomination GO! pisses me off)
It’s hard to go against them, Nostalgia is a strong contender.
but once I got DCU, Young Justice has been absolutely amazing…

I don’t want to say anything but TT. YJ is just so impressive.


@Carbon I completely understand nostalgia is a trip!

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Young justice followed closely by Justice league unlimited then justice league!

I love the ensemble cast shows- you meet new characters and get to see them come together and interact. I think they’re way more exciting.


For me, Justice League/Unlimited had the biggest impact on me as a child. Young Justice is having the same impact on me as an adult.


If the Superman theatrical shorts from the early 1940s count as an “animated series,” then they’re the obvious choice. Nothing comes close to touching them. Otherwise, I’d have to choose the 1990s Batman animated series, with The Brave and the Bold a close second.

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