What is the most overrated DC story?

Oh no! It’s just opinion @ralphsix, no harm intended. That’s the beauty of art…it’s subjective. I’m pretty sure there is an underrated thread on here somewhere. If not, you should start one cause there’s a few stories I feel are underrated. Eager to hear what you think!

Superman: The Movie and Superman 2. Seriously terrible stories. Funny, but dumb.

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@Zombedy Oooh, that one hurt. I just rewatched the whole series and while I agree that Superman II theatrical cut is not that great (Donner cut would be much better), I love the first one. It’s encapsulates early Bronze Age-late Silver Age very well if you like that kind of comics. But I get why someone can be turned off by this aesthetic. But one thing is undebatable (obvioulsy not really): there is no other live action Superman than Christopher Reeve. He’s perfection in every shot.

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I think Superman the Movie was intended to be a bit comedic.

I wonder if our opinions on these things depend on when we first read/viewed them. I read Dark Knight Returns & The Killing Joke when the came out and still enjoy them.

Dark knight rises christian bale is not better than keaton


All-Star Superman. I don’t deny it’s a good Superman story. I might not even quibble about it being a great Superman story, but it’s on so many people’s GOAT lists, and I didn’t find it that spectacular.


#BatWatch Which Superman story do you dub the best then? I’ve been looking for some recs as I haven’t read that much Superman. But I do adore All-Star, especially Zibarro issue and Neverending.

@ralphsix there is an underrated thread on here somewhere. I started it about a week before this one.

It’s probably hush, not a bad story, just not the epitome of batman stories it’s made out to be

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Batman 89.
It’s a really good film, but, it is overrated in the being thought of as the comic book movie that launched the modern view of superhero film.

Superman the movie was the cultural zeitgeist for comic book movies. The monkey touch the monolith moment. It is the movie that launched the idea of the modern superhero movie. A superhero movie that every age group could enjoy. That superhero movies could now be taken seriously as “real” films.



I don’t actually go around making GOAT lists and I wouldn’t consider myself particularly well read on Superman. I have been greatly enjoying Tomasi and Jurgens stuff in the Rebirth era.

The reasons I say All Star Superman feels overrated to me is that I can read almost anything on a DC GOAT list and say, “I get exactly why people love this series. It was great.” Perhaps it’s a personality thing, but AS Superman just didn’t resonate that strongly with me. I think it’s that it strikes a weird balance between the campiness of olden comics with the more serious stakes and contemplative nature of more modern comics. I’m not really sure.

I will say the first time I tried to read it, I didn’t like it, but the second time I tried to read it, I had real appreciation for what it is. I wasn’t a comic book newbie when I saw it at first, but I was much more experience when I read it the second time, so maybe it’s something you appreciate the more you know Superman comics? I’m not sure. My feelings are somewhere between good and great at the moment.


Looking for recommendations on good Superman stories? Look no further than Superman: Secret Identity! That’s a story that’s best if you go in as cold as possible.


The Dark Knight Returns

@superby1 Oh, I read it and loved it. I made a thread about it where I list what I read and what I’m looking for. It’s right here if you want to recommend sth: https://www.dcuniverse.com/community/boards/comics/looking-for-some-superman-


Awesome! Thank you for providing the link. I’ll check it out.

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Salvation Run, Hush, Legion of Three Worlds (I love Legion, but Johns really screwed this Impulse, Superboy fan fic storyline), Metal, War of God (very pretty book and in title cross overs were great, but I have always grown bored of actual story).

Lol all batman.

Since All-Star Superman was already mentioned, I’ll say Batman and Son. I love Andy Kubert’s art, but I thought it was an overall underwhelming introduction to Damian. Instead of getting to see Bruce’s reaction to seeing his son for the first time, it just immediately cuts to them in the Batcave, and then the story ends out of nowhere w/ Damian and Talia disappearing. I get that it’s supposed to be the start of Grant Morrison’s run, but given how it’s also supposed to be one of the essential Batman stories, it should still be able to stand on its own. Instead, the whole thing feels rushed and incomplete. It’s another example of why, despite a couple of his stories that I really like, Morrison is probably my least favorite writer

I don’t know how I missed this two months ago but I am deeply grieved by this post. That same shock you felt about the Killing Joke? Multiply that by 52 and you are less than halfway to my pain. (Thank you @biff_pow and @TornadoSoup)

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Don’t cry, Batman!!! It’s okay.

I liked it at the time…just not so much now. Like a bottle of wine that you left open for twenty years doesn’t age well.

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