What Did You Think of Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn?

I thought it was fine. I enjoyed the direction, action choreography, and style a lot. But, unfortunately, it suffers from a weak story and underdeveloped characterization just like everything in the DCEU (except Shazam).

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I loved it. The cast was wonderful, the set designs were great and the action was top notch. I agree with the criticism about how they wrote Cass, should have just made her a new character. I would have liked more Huntress in the movie and hope it gets a proper Birds of Prey sequel to see her lead the team.

I am really enjoying it I’m a big Margot Robbie fan And I love her as Harley Quinn she brings a lot of dynamic to the character

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I really liked it a lot. It was much like what I had expected Suicide Squad to be. I thought the structure to introduce everyone was well done, and that there was a good balance between the humor and violence. Really liked the cast.

My only complaint is that a lot of the language just felt gratuitous. That is my main complaint about some of the originals on DCU, too. I am not a prude, and I love a good f bomb, but I don’t need super heroes and villains talking like they are in a Tarantino movie. Unless, of course Tarantino makes a DCEU movie, and then I’m all in. Just feels like it is trying too hard to not be seen as kiddie stuff.

I read all this criticism about it being anti-male or something, but that is not the movie I watched. It is actually possible to portray strong women, and it not be an attack on men. I am a man, and I am not threatened by women being treated as equals at all. YMMV.


I liked it and thought it was fun overall. I thought the fight/language material that got it to an R was unnecessary and didn’t really add to the movie. Otherwise without that I would have shared it with my kids.

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Way better than I expected. The trailers did nothing for me and I’m lukewarm on Harley as a character. Turned out to be a lot of fun. Ewan McGregor was clearly enjoying himself.

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Parts of it I liked, but the overall package was a not recommend from me. I thought the glitter and glam beanbag shooting garbage in the police station wasn’t violent enough for the Harley I know and love. Would rather have seen her go into that station and do some real bat bashing damage.

Harley is at her most fun as a character when she is violent and wreckless but has a grounding center character to pull her back. Morally she has a center, but it’s deeply complex. The movie did sort of get that right, so props there.

Birds of Prey were wasted on this film because they weren’t really fleshed out enough.

Have said this elsewhere here. The movie I want is the live action Harley Quinn Animated Show. I think they thought Harley couldn’t carry this movie on her own … but she could have. She didn’t need Birds of Prey. She just needed a friend like, well, Poison Ivy.

Just an OK movie for me. My excitement for it was greater than the experience.


The movie sucked but the only time when it got better was was at the end and I still wasn’t impressed at all they kill black mask okay and how did Harley Quinn get her own company

but the animated TV shows way more better


Loved it! Was soooo good!!! I don’t get what’s not to love. More Huntress!

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Finally Saw it… nope. Not it. My wife who isn’t really a comic lover like I am said it was boring. I couldn’t get into the portrayal much either, jumping all over the place made it hard for her and I to keep focused on it. We bailed on it before the end. Sad.

For what it’s worth I liked this movie just enough for it not to ruin my life of fanboy righteousness. It was close enough to be enjoyable for die hard DC fans and moviegoers alike. You gotta remember when these big studios make movies they make 'em for moviegoers not comic book fanboys. They haftar find the Happy Medium sp to speak. Not too shabby, Say I. That’s all I have to say about that.


Honestly loved it, I feel like the next one should focus more on Harley though. But also I loved the cast, Ewan McGregor stood out for a great villain, and All the supporting cast did a great job too .


Personally I thought it was awful, the timing seemed off for all the fighting making every character seem much slower than the should’ve been, other than that everything else was kinda meh. It just felt like the whole film was an afterthought, which sucks because I was super hyped to see it after the first trailer.

I really loved it! It felt unique in its own way. I don’t think it is mind blowing or anything, but definitely entertaining and fun.


My favorite part was Huntress, even if not comics accurate. And Canary too was wonderfully cast. But I didn’t much care for this universe Cassandra Cain or Montoya. But perhaps what bothered me most was seeing Cass become Harley’s sidekick. That seemed very wrong to me. I think Margot Robbie and co. made a fine move, but I didn’t feel like a DC film at all.

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I honestly enjoyed it a lot. I think the title is fun, but misleading as it is a Harley Quinn movie and not really a BOP movie. But that didn’t bother me since we all knew that going in. Lots of people will want to compare it to Deadpool, but I think that is an easy and lazy comparison. I didn’t need it to be anything other than what it was. And I was absolutely giddy when Dinah used her canary cry. Sure, some of the characters weren’t exactly like they are in the comics, but I think for the most part they stayed close enough to not matter. (Although, I do wish they had name Cassandra as a different character.)

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I think it had more potential then it did. I like Margo but I think Harley Quinn needs to be a little more crazy and ditzy

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The movie was decent but the casting was the worst I might have ever seen.

Me and my bud had a theater to ourselves and it was one of those showings were they project on the walls so it feels like you’re in the movie (forget what its called) I had a great time. It was silly but i loved it. Great action, moved nicely, McGregor was awesome the only complaint is Harley looked like she aged 10 years. That haircut and potato sack glitter overalls were unflattering to say the very least. I’d watch this again anytime, I give this film 2 thumbs, 1 index finger, three bags of popcorn and 7 sodas.