What DC Animated Show should get one more season?

All I need from JLU is like a solid two part movie event. One last stand from the Timm cast before the voice actors start sounding super old :grimacing:

Teen Titans season 6!

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Bring Back Batman the Animated series for a new season! Original and cast and creators all!

I would love another season of Legion of Super Heroes. It was amazing.

I think the Teen Titans cartoon is most logical, it has a huge fanbase and would definitely draw people in on this app, plus people are thinking about it again because of the “Teen Titans Go! To the Movies” end scene.

None. Move on already.

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Batman Beyond or just do Justice League Unlimited with Terry Mcginnis XD

Beware the Batman! Massively underrated series that ended on a bunch of cliffhangers and had an amazing main villain with Anarky!

Superman The Animated Series, Justice League Unlimited.

Batman TAS (or The New Batman Adventures) or JLU!
