What character made you fall in love with comics?

Superman. Used to go to the comic shop and there were always hundreds of stories to pick from.


When I was around 3 (maybe 4 by this time) my parents took me to a little mom and pop garden store in our area. The owners ran it out of their house and told me they were selling their son’s old comic books.

I had never had a comic book at that time but I was curious so I went up into their attic and they let me look through all of them. Something about Green Lantern and The Flash really caught my attention so I started sorting out any that I could find with those two in them. By the time my parents told me to come down I had a huge stack of comics that they sold me for 2 dollars (they told me I could have them for a penny a comic since they wanted them gone).

After that I was hooked. Green Lantern and Flash were still my favorites by far but I branched out into anything else I could get after that.


When I was four years old, only four characters constantly roamed my mind when I wanted to watch something. Batman, Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Flash. This were the most interesting characters to me. The X-Men and Spiderman movies were awesome. Batman Returns is the only movie I have seen over 40 times (35 of those times was when I was 4). And Flash was the best character in the Justice League animated show.


I was like um 1or2 yrs old when my dad showed me superman. And ever since then I have been a big fan of him.


It was Batman. It started with the 60’s TV show re-runs and the Superfriends cartoons. Then moved into comics as I got older.


I started to love comic book heroes because if Spider-Man, but, Batman was the one that got me into comics. I read Batman Court Of The Owls and started read comics more often.


For me it would have to be Hawkman. When I was 6 or 7 my mom would let me hang out at the magazines in the grocery store while she shopped. When I saw this guy with those big beautiful wings flying through the sky it made want to be him. Swooping down with that mace, smashing bad guys with Hawkgirl (oh Hawkgirl) I begged and pleaded my mom to buy it for me. Been a fanboy ever since.

Now days I’m all about the Corp, but I will never forget the way the Hawks made my imagination the wing.


When I was about 7 years old I “met” THE FLASH. Now dont get confused with the show which in my opinion is a lame and lousy make of the flash. In the comics he is a kind and caring guy who fights crime with hope and passion and almost never gives up. And ever since than I’ve looked up to him as my “hero.”


Green lanterns new 52 in 2011 made me love DC and then seeing the DCEU bring the trinity to the big screen along with shows like arrow and flash made me a comic book lover

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It’s a 3 way tie for me. Kingdom Come was the first great comic I read. I was 10 years old and while reading that story I instantly became a fan of Superman, Batman, and Captain Marvel/Shazam. DC…can we PLEASE have a Kingdom Come movie of some kind!? Animated or Live action is fine…I’m picky lol.

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I remember watching BTAS. But I was hooked when my father got me my first comic. Batman the Greatest Stories Ever Told.


I was 11 when I found Green Lantern Hal Jordan and I was all done. 35 years later Hal is still my drug of choice, followed by Barry Allen Flash and Swamp Thing. Reading comics growing up definitely helped keep me out of trouble. I discovered comics at the perfect age, that last bit of time where a boy could just enjoy being a kid. I wish every kid today could enjoy the same magic found reading that I did as a boy.

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I was probably 6 years old and Salah Conan the destroyer comics I was reading it loved it and got yelled at for looking at it cuz it was an adult base comic. Then got my first Superman comic book. Followed by the hulk Batman.

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Lex luthor. SAS was my get away as a kid. Lex was my idol lol

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Static I grew watching the kartoon from when it first aired

How did you add that image on here of superman

Donna Troy. I was given a Wonder Woman comic as a kid with her in it. When I came back to comics around Infinite Crisis she had become the keeper of the history of the DC Universe. My love definitely stems from her, but I have also leaned to appreciate a plethora of other characters as well. She will however be my favorite convoluted character ever. She reminds me that regardless of your past, in her case a fire, you can rise above. Regardless of what life throws at you, a broken marriage, deceased child, and more. You can be a hero. You do not have to be your convoluted past, you can be strong and so much more. Yes, this is what Donna Troy signifies for me and why I fell I love with her and eventually comics themselves for what they could represent.


Batman. The six or so original Titans.

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