What character deserves their own live action movie next?

Out of my top 5 favorite heroes, they have all had some sort of show or movie recently. I’m so lucky. My number five is rumored to have one in development which would be awesome. He’s still my answer though… PLASTIC MAN

I think next it should be The Flash, maybe recasting Ezra Miller. Also a Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps movie would be a good next step for the Worlds of DC franchise. I reckon a good sequel for The Batman (when it finally comes out) would be a Robin/Batfamily movie. If the latter, then you would need to develop the family and PROPERLY introduce everybody first (I’m looking at you Suicide Squad), but I think if they did this film you could then have a Nightwing movie, a Red Hood movie, Super Sons etc. This seems to be the way DC want to go with the live action movies.

How about the question?

Icon would make a awesome movie.

Martian man hunter movie yes yes yes.

Nighwing, Zatanna, Blue Beetle, or Martian Manhunter would be awesome.

John Stewart Green Lantern or Martian ManHunter maybe Lobo if it gets an R rating

Static Shock

Would make lots o money lol

I think a Nightwing movie would be a lot fun to see. I think it would have a feel like the new Shazam movie

Green lantern by far, I mean imagine having a green lantern movie cover the war of light ? Or even the blackest night being a movie ?

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Booster Gold and then you do Zatanna or Dr. Fate

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Constantine of course. & Oooh! I keep seeing Booster Gold so of course that should be in there too… I mean it’s Booster Gold, he’s got some similar vibes as Shazam! So, should play well with the general audiences. I really really really loved TA movie Justice League Dark, so… Get to work creators & casters! You’ve got some movies to make! :kissing_heart:

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Lex Luthor: How to succeed in business without really trying … The sequel!


I am hoping the SwampThing show spins off into Justice League Dark show

Green Lantern show with Guy Gardner in it

Can’t say who should be in it .I know so few actors by name

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H for hero

I’m with TheOriginalCaptainMarvel on this. Booster Gold/Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) would be a great movie. A combination buddy movie, super hero movie, acton & comedy. Properly cast, this would be a blast to watch.

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I would like to see a movie about black canary or El Diablo

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