What Are You Going To Give To Yourself?

Ok guys, sorry it’s taken me a while to get my list up. (I need to make sure @TravisMorgan doesn’t continue thinking I’m a droid). :slight_smile:
I’ve just been really busy on actually working on something special for the DCUi Community, that will be coming up soon, (and I hope ya’ll like it). :grin: :sunglasses: :nerd_face:
Anyways, here’s my list…

#1 - What is the One Live-Action Superhero Movie that you would show the younger you?

Well, I would have said either the 78 Superman or 89 Batman, because those changed my life forever, or even the 08 IronMan, because I love me some IronMan as well. But I am going to have to say Justice League Snyder Cut. Not only was it an amazing movie, but my Younger Self would have freaked out, getting to see a live version of all of my favorite Superheroes in One movie, and so well made. The beautiful costumes, the perfect actors, the amazing special effects, etc.

#2 - What is the One Animated Superhero Movie that you would show the younger you?

Another toughie… I’ve always loved stuff like Batman Under the Red Hood and Superman / Batman Public Enemies; but am going to have to go with Batman Gotham Knight . I love drawing, and this movie has many incredible art styles. It’s like watching several different artists make an incredible movie at the same time.


#3 - What is the One Live-Action Superhero T.V. Series that you would show the younger you?

This one was hard for me because I love so many of them. From the grittiness of the Titans, Swamp Thing, and Green Arrow to the wackiness of Doom Patrol and Preacher, to the uplifting of SuperGirl and StarGirl, etc…. I ultimately had to go with my boy Barry Allen, in The Flash CW series .

#4 - What is the One Animated Superhero T.V. Series that you would show the younger you?

Hmmmm, (why did I make a list of questions that I find it dang-near impossible for myself to even answer)…. :upside_down_face:
Well, although I love great ones like BAS, JL, and SAS, I had to go with The Batman with this one. Something about it just always hooked me. From the amazing Intro Music to the great stories, and art style.


#5 - What is the One Superhero Comic Book Storyline (or Graphic Novel) , that you would show the younger you?

Ugh… my questions just keep getting harder.
Well, many great ones came up, Batman Court of Owls, All Star Superman, the Watchmen, The Flash – Flashpoint, Aquaman – Trench, etc….
I had to go with my hands down favorite artist in Jim Lee, and favorite story… Batman - Hush

#6- What is the One Superhero Video Game that you would show the younger you?

Well, I don’t really play too many video games….(well, I used to be the man at some Pac-Man or Centipede on Atari back in the day), :nerd_face: I’m going to have to follow @DC89 and say that even though I have not played it, the Gotham Knights game would have blown my younger self’s mind.

#7- What is the One Superhero Collectable (i.e. Figures, Statues, Toys, etc.) that you would show the younger you?

Well, this one is easy for me. I would have died if I could have the two big Superman / Batman fig’s that I customized. I look at them every night before bed, since they are on either side of my TV, so I know the younger me would never have taken his eyes off them.


#8 - And before we start the DeLorean back up, before we go, what is the One piece of Advice that you whisper into Your ear?

Work hard, but Don’t Stress about every little thing. Because one day, believe it or not, you will go through years of standing in hospital waiting rooms, waiting on your 10 year old son to come out of brain surgery, not once, not twice, but three times. And also live in Houston for a time with him, in order to get Proton Radiation Therapy for his Brain Tumors…… And after all these years, you and him are still going strong. So no matter what homework assignment, or work project, or any other issue that you are stressed about, or the daily migraine headaches…. Just remember, you are strong enough to handle whatever life throws at you…. So keep your head up, and have fun. And keep reading those comic books, because One day…. Believe it or not…. There is going to be a massive resurgence in the popularity of Superheroes, and you won’t be the only person around that is a geek like you. :wink:


Love all of my DC Family. You guys Rock!! :metal: :sunglasses: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great picks @bigblock66! Thanks again for this great thread. It’s so fun seeing everyone’s answers to your cool questions. :+1::sunglasses::metal:


Waitaminute @bigblock66- you’ve actually gotten to go back and talk to little bigblock66 'bout all the things? Wow- you must share the technology! :eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:purple_heart:ing you as well Sir! :hugs:


love this list!


This is such a good list, too!!


I’m glad someone else is showing love for Raven ~ easily one of my favorites


I’m literally crying right now. That’s a lot for any parent to go through - you’re seriously a hero. Keep your head up, my friend. & yes, always remember you’re not alone. No matter how treacherous the path, nor how violent the winds… always look up and remember to reach for the light. Thank you for sharing this, honestly. It really touched my heart.


Love the Rae Rae very much. :purple_heart: :00_teen_titans:


Thank you @TravisMorgan. I have been meaning to get mine list posted sooner. At least you know I’m not a droid now. :rofl::rofl:. :+1:t2::metal:t2:

Thanks @Jurisdiction. I really appreciate it. :sunglasses::+1:t2:

@DC89 :rofl::rofl:. Yeah but the ole DeLorean needs some gas now. :rofl:. :heart:

@LastSon0fMars :heart::sunglasses:. Thank you so much for the kind words. It’s been a long hard road for sure. But I’m just very thankful for my physical family, as well as my DCUi family.


Young me had already seen the 80s/90s Batman movies a lot, so I’d throw the first Superman movie at her. Didn’t get to watch that until my college years and I would’ve loved to see it sooner and get a youth attachment to it and Superman.

The Flashpoint Paradox - love that one. Need to watch more.

Arrow - it got me super hooked and helped me get through the first part of quarantine.

Young Justice. She had already seen the Batman and the Superman AS from the 90, Justice League, and Teen Titans. So Young Justice.

Batman: White Knight. Loved that one.

The Arkham games. Haven’t been able to play through them yet (I don’t have the right consoles), but I want to and will someday. Mark Hamill as Joker will always be a draw.

My assorted Harley Quinn collection of action figures, Funko Pops, and the statue one of my best friends gave me of her that started it all.

Get out of your own way. Read anything. Don’t be as much of a stickler for reading orders. Jump around like you used to when you only read what you could randomly find. Jump in.


I would give my younger self Spider-man (2002-2007) movies and Batman Begin film.:slightly_smiling_face:


Everything’s gonna be okay


#1 - What is the One Live-Action Superhero Movie that you would show the younger you? Batman (1989). Even as a kid I was a huge Batman fan and I know younger me would love the first portrayal of Batman as the Dark Knight. That having been said, I wouldn’t be surprised if he still preferred Adam West. I still love Batman '66!

#2 - What is the One Animated Superhero Movie that you would show the younger you? Justice League: The New Frontier I’m a Bronze Age kid, but I love Silver Age comics.

#3 - What is the One Live-Action Superhero T.V. Series that you would show the younger you? The Flash (1990). I figure Doom Patrol would not be age appropriate and younger me would have to watch Arrow before The Flash (2014).

#4 - What is the One Animated Superhero T.V. Series that you would show the younger you? Batman: The Animated Series As a Batman fan I know younger me would appreciate it.

#5 - What is the One Superhero Comic Book Storyline (or Graphic Novel), that you would show the younger you? Detective Comics no. 469-476 (the Steve Englehart run), because younger me would love it.

#6- What is the One Superhero Video Game that you would show the younger you? Video games didn’t exist when I was a kid, so I am not sure younger me would even grasp the concept…

#7- What is the One Superhero Collectable (i.e. Figures, Statues, Toys, etc.) that you would show the younger you? My first Green Lantern ring.

#8 - And before we start the DeLorean back up, before we go, what is the One piece of Advice that you whisper into Your ear? Okay, this would dramatically change the timeline, but when you’ve lost someone you love you don’t worry about such things. I would tell younger me that one day he will meet a beautiful woman and fall in love with her. I would also tell him that she will die too soon and how he can save her.


YES! :white_heart:

birds-of-prey #thereal


great lists @sammiekparkland.75611 @mercurie80 (and happy DCUniversery @mercurie80)


Thank you!


Great lists! Flashpiont is amazing, and we love us some Arrow for sure.
The Harley collection sounds so cool

Oh yeah… can not go wrong with those at all.

Awesome lists. Dark Knight is seriously one of the greats, and I’m diggin’ the cool Plastic Man figure.

Sweet list! I love New Frontier…… but man…… I truly need one of those Green Lantern rings !!!

Yeah !!!
So cool.


@mercurie80- snazzy power ring! :+1: :00_lc_green_lantern1:


@DC89 i agree! :sunglasses::heart: I want one now. Haha